Chapter 12

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~When I first saw you,

From across the room~

"I mean, how dressed up do you want to be?" Zayn asked Harry. Zayn was currently wearing the same pair of sweats that he had been for the last week, and he hadn't showered in probably that long, but he was making remarkable progress in his mission to crack the hotel security, as well as to plan out everything else.

"He hasn't told me how fancy I need to be." Harry whined.

"Third level of fancy." Niall whispered through a crack in the door. "Like a dress shirt and slacks. That's what Louis' wearing. Also, you'll look really hot if you wear a bowtie, no homo."

"Thanks?" Harry said as Niall shut the door again and went back to helping Louis get ready.

Pretty soon, the two of them were both standing in the living room, eyeing each other over. Niall was probably Snapchatting the whole event in the corner of the room, Liam couldn't have cared less, and Zayn was misty-eyed. "Let's go?" Louis asked his date, and Harry was all smiles as he nodded.

Louis really did look like a sugar daddy, and Niall loved every second of it. "Be home before midnight!" Liam yelled at them, being completely serious. "New York is dangerous!"

Harry and Louis left, walking down to Louis' car. "Where are we going?" Harry asked Louis, excited.

"Dinner." Louis smiled at him. Harry was all smiles that night in his little bow-tie, white shirt, and slacks. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"I'm just worried that you'll think I'm a terrible kisser." Harry pouted.

"Who said anything about kissing?" Louis said, and Harry grinned slyly. "How often have you thought about kissing me?"

Harry laughed awkwardly and looked past Louis, out the driver's side window. "Help me, Jeffery."

"Answer the question, Hazza." Louis smiled, even though he was trying to come off as serious.

"More often than I'd like to admit!" He finally said. "You're hot, Louis."

Louis became an actual sun when Harry complimented him like that.

They talked and laughed their way through dinner, and Louis found out that Harry had been backpacking through Europe, and had been in a band once, before it disbanded and he came to America. Louis talked more about him and Eleanor, and how they didn't love each other. It was a couple of one night stands, and now they were going to have a baby girl.

"Well, that doesn't scare me away, if you're wondering. I love kids." Harry said. "I want to adopt all the children who don't have homes in the whole world!" Harry might have been a little drunk, but Louis could've listened to Drunk Harry talk for hours. "And that look you're giving me makes me think you're going to try to take advantage of me. Did you put something in my drink?"

"No. You're just drunk." Louis smiled at him.

"I'm going to the toilets." Harry said.

"Don't be long!" Louis called after him, watching the gangly gazelle bump into people across the restaurant, and apologizing in his deep voice.

But, it was almost twenty minutes later, and they had presented Louis with a dessert menu, and Harry still hadn't come back. Louis hoped to everything that the drunk man hadn't crawled out the window and was walking back to the house. Maybe he had just gotten sick?

Louis finally went into the bathroom. "Hazza?" He asked, checking all the stalls. He banged on the locked one, and there was a sniffle inside that sounded like Harry. Not caring about decency, he crawled under the door inside. "Oops." He said, as he touched Harry's shoe.

"Hi." Harry whispered. He was curled up in a ball in the corner, crying. There were hives breaking out on his skin.

"Are you going into anaphylactic shock?" Louis asked him, worried.

"No." Harry continued crying. "I can't get up. Lou, help me. I need to go to the hospital. Please." Louis got the tall frog on his feet, and paid the bill at the desk, and walked with Harry out to his car. When he got inside, he started punching in directions for the nearest hospital. "Please, not there. Take me to Bellevue. My sister's there. Please, Lou. Gemma's there. I want Gemma."

The whole way, Louis felt like he was having a panic attack, and Harry was crying and trying not to die in his passenger seat. "Don't die, okay?" Louis kept saying.

"I want Gemma." He kept crying, and when Louis finally pulled up in front of the emergency room and got Harry signed in, he called Gemma from Harry's phone.

"Hi, this is Louis. I'm a friend of Harry's. We're in the emergency room at Bellevue, and he's saying that he needs you here." Harry kept asking for Gemma, and two minutes later, she was there. Wearing pajamas and holding an I.V. bag that was in her arm.

"My nurse is pissed, Harold." She said. "Hey!" She yelled to the lady at the desk. "He needs some oxygen." Gemma was definitely a patient, but she had been there for so long that she bossed everyone around. She got the oxygen hooked up to him. "Are you okay?" Gemma asked him. Louis was red and shaking.

He sat down on the floor in front of Harry, who started running his hands through Lou's hair, messing it all up, but who cared? It was comforting him. "This your date?" She asked her younger brother. "He's kind of a twink."

"He's not a twink." Harry said through the mask. "He's sexy."

"He's freaking out more than you." She was trying to calm him down with humor, and it looked like it was working. "Do you have someone who can drive you home?" She directed her attention to Louis. "He'll be here for the rest of the night."

"I'll call someone." Louis asked Zayn to get a cab to the hospital to come get him and his car, since he was in too much of a wreck to drive. "Will he be okay?"

"Yes. We'll get some meds in him, and he'll be fine."

"What's wrong with him?" He asked, lowering his voice. Harry was becoming comfortable in the chair, closing his eyes to take a little nap.

"He'll tell you when he's ready." Gemma smiled at Louis.

When Zayn came, and Louis separated himself from the boy, he cried. He just cried and cried while Zayn drove him back to the house.

He really wanted his mum. 

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