Chapter 14

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~Girl, I hope you're sure,

What you're looking for,

'Cause I'm not good at making promises~

"And then, he was like, I told you I should have worn the lamppost costume, Dontai!" Louis said, using his keys to open up the door to his apartment. He paused, huffing. "It's already open?"

He swung open the door, and pushed Harry out of the doorway so that he couldn't follow him inside. "I have a bat!" He yelled, getting his bat from his hall closet. Harry pushed his way inside.

"I'm more intimidating. You're five foot." He said and snatched the bat.

"Jesus." Someone said, coming down the hall. "Calm down." It was a feminine voice, and that messed Harry up a little bit inside.

But Louis recognized the voice. "Lottie?" He ran to meet the girl who was just a tad shorter than him. "What are you doing in New York?" He asked her after a long hug.

"I have some business to do. When are you coming home?" She asked.

"I'll be home around the 20th. I sent the packages off. Did they get there yet?" Lottie shrugged, and finally addressed Harry.

"Lottie. Louis' oldest sister." The two of them shook hands.

"This is Harry." Louis introduced him, taking away the bat and putting it away. "We're kind of dating." Lottie wasn't surprised by that in the least, and smiled at Harry warmly.

"You're a tall glass of water there." She said, looking him up and down.

"When did you get in?" Louis asked, and Lottie shrugged at him. "Do you want to do dinner tonight? Unless you have plans?"

"I have a meeting at three, but dinner sounds wonderful. Wanna go clubbing?"

"Not tonight, Lottie." Louis said. "Look, I'll bring the rest of my friends, and I'll pay for dinner."

"Fine." She said. "Come pick me up from here later then." She walked back down the hall, and Louis began checking his mail, watering his plants, getting more clothes, etc.

"She's lovely." Harry said to Louis as they left the apartment.

"She's overbearing. She's basically my mum. I'm just glad that she isn't a carbon copy of her or I would never be able to handle her." Harry laughed, and slid his hand into Louis. Louis continued laughing and talking to Harry, and Harry just watched him, amazed with every part of him. His smile. The cheekbones. His beautiful long eyelashes. Louis Tomlinson was beautiful. He was Harry's now too.


"Hi, I'm Louis' sister." Lottie said, shaking all of their hands. "How do you all know each other?"

"Work." Louis said, giving Lottie a look. She didn't question it further, and neither did any of the others. 

Instead, they got their drink on. Louis was the designated driver, and didn't let Harry touch alcohol due to his flare up the other night, but Zayn was getting hammered, Liam was sipping, and Niall was wasted. Free alcohol to him, but a lot of money to Louis. It was fine though. Lottie was sipping on some cocktails, catching up with her brother. Dancing with hot guys and flirting.

It was a good night. Then, there was a slow song, and Zayn threw himself on Liam, begging for a dance. Liam laughed his way through it, trying to get Zayn's uncooperative body parts to dance. "I like your tattoos." He slurred.

"Yours are nice too, there, partner." Liam made a pained face, but Zayn didn't catch it. Louis did, however, and he went to go pry Zayn off of Liam.

Before he got there, though, Liam fell over, Zayn on top of him. People stopped dancing to ask if he was okay, and the rest of the crew ran over to drag him off the dance floor. "Are you okay?" Zayn asked. "I'm sorry, Liam."

"I drank too much." He said, tears coming out of his eyes. "Please. The hospital. I'm going to get sicker. I can't handle this."

And so, for the second time that week, Louis drove one of his friends to the hospital after a night out.

Lottie called a cab home, and Niall and Harry went off to talk to Gemma, while Louis took Zayn up to the dialysis room with Liam. They were given chairs, and they were surprised to find Gemma already in there, sipping tea. "Is he okay?" She asked, worried.

"Drank too much in the club." Louis said.

"That's the second time that's happened in a month." Gemma said.

"You know Liam?" Louis questioned.

"Yes, I know Liam. He's been coming to this hospital for a couple weeks now. Ever since Harry started that new job. He's a part of that job, isn't he?"

"You know about the job?" Zayn asked.

"Gemma!" Harry said, came into the room, and then realized the tense atmosphere. Niall slumped in a chair and tried to get some rest.

"Harry, we're not supposed to tell anyone about the job! If Simon finds out...."

"Gemma's not going to tell anyone." Harry said. "She's a good egg. And I didn't give her all the details. All I said is that I'm doing something that's a little bad that's going to get me a lot of money for her medical bills, and I'll never be caught. They'll be no repercussions."

"There's always repercussions." Niall laughed sadly, mostly to himself.

Louis was so fed up with everything that was happening and going on. "I need air." He said. "I'm suffocating."

"I'll text you guys when I'm done here. Just go home." Liam said. "All of you."

"Okay." Harry said. "Bye, Gemma."

"Wait, that's your sister?" Niall said, as Harry picked him up like a baby. Louis facepalmed and led the way to the car. 

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