Chapter 24

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~And if you like having secret little rendezvous~

"I am definitely going to need iced coffee for this." Niall said, hands itching for the drinks Louis was bringing them. Most of them were freshly showered, due to Harry's insistent, and it was just Zayn who didn't, as he showered in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep.

Zayn was still freaking out, and had everything he could possibly need for this trip. Gum for his ears, as well as earplugs. A blanket in his carry on, and he had a fancy neck pillow, as well as snacks. Also, his laptop, even though he wouldn't be connected to wifi. He had some pdfs downloaded of books, as well as some other things to do.

Louis knew that he would be talking with Harry most of the flight, but he also had a book. Liam was going to rent a tablet to watch a movie, and Niall had some magazines to read, and some sleep to come catch up on. Harry also planned to sleep, or stare into his boyfriend's dreamy blue eyes. God, he was whipped. How had he come so far? From the shy boy who shunned all the group's attempts to make friends, to the guy who was dating one member of that said group, and was best friends with the rest? He was mystified.

Louis bought them all coffee this time - for their last moments as a group in New York. Maybe forever, but who knows what the future had in store for them? "Here, here." He grumbled, getting into the passenger seat. Liam was driving again, but Harry had pleaded to do it as well. Louis had denied him that privilege, mostly because Harry was a getaway driver. Not a city driver.

Zayn threw his arms around Louis, not taking his coffee yet. "Don't make me go, Louis." He fake cried.

"Drama queen, drama queen." Louis shook his head before he realized that the fake crying was very close to becoming not fake. "Zayn, calm down, okay? Do you want some sleeping pills for the plane or something?"

"That would be nice. I feel like I am going to puke. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no."

"Liam, do not pull this car over, no matter what noises you hear back here!" Niall screamed, while laughing desperately. He sounded like a dying hyena. Or maybe just a regular hyena, since they sound really screechy, and that was how Niall sounded.

"Zayn, it'll be fine." Louis assured him confidently. Zayn shook his head. "I'll tell a story to take your mind off of everything. How about I tell you all the story of my first mission?"

"Yes!" Niall declared. Louis had been skimpy on the details of how exactly his mission went.

Louis cleared his throat, and then began, his hands fidgeting in his lap. No smoking on the plane was going to be agony for him. "So, Simon picked me up, yada yada yada, and I trained at his gym for a couple months, mostly as a getaway driver, but I was eager to get out there, get some cash, help my mom, etc, so he put me with this team, who was already really good friends with each other. I was an outsider, and none of them laughed at my jokes, etc. But, I was bound to hold up my part of the deal. It was in North Carolina." Louis stopped there, not wanting to continue.

Harry had heard the story before, and turned around in his seat. "You don't have to, Louis."

Louis turned to the window. "Does anyone else have any other stories? I forgot how sad that one is."

Niall sipped his iced coffee, knowing that this was not the right moment to spill the tea about Louis' mission. "Can we sing instead? I would much rather listen to some jams."

Liam turned the radio on, and Harry returned to his facing forward position. Zayn lost himself in a couple of songs, and Louis was dead silent.

When they got to the airport, Louis was the one who showed the lady all of their tickets, and they put their bags up on the scale. Louis had to put some of his things into Harry's bag, embarrassingly enough. And Niall, along with the rest of them, had to throw his coffee away before they went through security. "My baby." He fake cried, throwing him in the trash.

"We can get some when we land. Now remember. We start this game now." Liam told Niall. "You're the bachelor getting married, and we're the groomsmen."

"I call Best Man." Louis smirked at Liam, who pouted.

"Can I be the Maid of Honor?" Harry asked, and his boyfriend shot him a sly grin.

Zayn was ready to explode. "Can we go through security yet?"

On the other side, Harry bought Zayn some sleeping pills, and by the time they walked onto the plane, he was dead on his feet. Harry buckled him up, tucked his blanket around him, put his neck pillow on right, and most importantly, stowed his carry on under his seat. Zayn was snoring before everyone had finished boarding.

Louis slyly smiled at Harry, who couldn't stuff his legs into his assigned seat, and had to stick one leg out into the aisle. "Oh, Hazza." He sighed.

"Oh, Boo Bear." Harry said right back.

Liam sat calmly, talking with Niall, and soon the plane was in the air. During one jostle as they rose up, Zayn was jostled, and him and his neck pillow fell onto Liam.

Liam didn't move him until three hours later when Niall noticed. 

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