Chapter 7

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~If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do,

Then baby, I'm perfect,

Baby, I'm perfect for you~

"Louis, give it back." Liam told the young child trapped in an adult's body. Louis had taken a soccer ball from a group of kids, and was currently offering the lot of them thirty bucks. "This is a very bad thing to do."

"We're going to rob a bank soon, Liam. Give it a rest." Zayn yelled from underneath the canopy that Harry was still putting up around him. Niall was watching Louis and Liam interact with the children. He was carrying a basket full of food for their lunch, and a case of Gatorade.

"Are you really going to rob a bank?" One of the ten year olds asked.

"Where else am I going to get the money to pay for my Pokémon collection?" Louis asked, handing the kids a fifty dollar bill instead. "That's the most I'm giving you, you heathens. Go on, get." The kids ran off, and Louis successfully had a soccer ball. "Who's playing footie with me?"

"What's footie?" Liam asked.

"Soccer, you absolute buffoon." Harry scoffed.

"There's food, and then I'll eat. I mean, play."

"I don't like the outdoors, per se." Zayn said, when Louis sat down and shoved him out from under the safety of the canopy. Zayn found a new spot, and Niall started pulling out the food that Harry had made them. It was some pasta, some salad, and some chocolate chip cookies.

"Cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies -"

"Stop." Harry pinned Niall's hands to the ground, while Louis opened the rest of the containers and brought out the papers plates. Niall struggled, and Harry rolled his sleeves up, smiling while trying to deal with Niall. A moment later, everyone started eating, and Harry let Niall go once the cookies were tucked away.

"Why did the mushroom go to the party?" Louis asked, breaking the silence of everyone inhaling food. "Because he was a fun guy."

Zayn howled.

Everyone else laughed lightly, but Zayn was absolutely dying, rolling on the grass even though he was allergic to it, laughing at the dumb joke. Louis didn't laugh or smile, just watched Zayn and ate his salad.

Harry stayed pretty quiet while the rest of them swapped jokes and stories, and then Niall and Zayn were both looking at the schematics to the safe. "Come play with me. Liam? Harry?"

"Fine." Harry said.

"I'm going to eat these cookies. Maybe take a nap under the sun." Liam said. "Give me a couple minutes, then I'll play." Louis beckoned Harry over to an open patch of grass.

The two of them started kicking the ball back and forth, and Louis, a minute later, broke the silence. "What's on your arm?"

Harry looked at his tattoos. "I mean, there's a lot of them here, do you want to hear about them all?"

"I'm talking about your track marks, you idiot." Louis said to him. "On the inside of your arm." Harry hurriedly pulled his sleeves down, and didn't say anything. "I don't care, I just want to make sure that you're not using right now. It'll interfere with the job. One of the last small jobs I worked on, my partner did heroin, and overslept the job. I did it alone, killed it, and Simon most likely had him killed. " Louis ran his hand through his hair and kicked the ball back.

"I've never done drugs in my life. Never even a cigarette." Harry said. "I've just been in the hospital a lot throughout this year."

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Louis was even more worried about the curly-haired lad now.

Harry smiled. "Don't worry about it. Liam!" He yelled all of a sudden. "Share the cookies!" Louis furrowed his brows, and kicked the ball way off course. Harry glared at him, and ran after it, but he didn't know that Louis did it on purpose. Louis did most things on purpose.

"Hey, can we go to the store after this?" Zayn asked, seeming very introverted in the moment.

Louis, the one with the car, replied. "Yeah, why?"

"Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I want to make you guys dinner." He said.

"I'll help!" Niall said, leaning on Zayn's shoulder, looking like a cute puppy with his new hair. Harry returned with the ball, pretending to kick Liam in the stomach.

"Harry, Liam, and I are going upstate tomorrow. Right, Liam?" Louis addressed the half-asleep person asleep on the grass in the sun.

"Yeah." Liam yawned. "We're gonna meet the Russian mafia."

"I wanna go." Niall pouted.

"Simon has strict instructions." Louis said, looking at the blonde boy. "Next time, kid."

"I'm so ready to go back to the house." Zayn said.

"We just got here." Harry laughed, grabbing himself a cookie.

Zayn scoffed. "Exactly, Harold." 

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