Chapter 13- Invasion

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MacKenzie's POV

Caitlin tightens my wrist protectors as we watch Wally run.

"Okay, Mack, you're arms are healed from the fractures but you still have a lot of bruising." Caitlin says as she pulls the straps tight. "Cisco made these so you can use your powers with them on, just be careful."

"Thanks, Cait." I say and I hug her.

"Kid gets faster every time we test him." Joe says, watching Wally.

"Mach 2." Cisco says.

"Already?" Iris asks. "He just got his speed a few days ago. How are his vitals?" She asks Caitlin.

"His running economy, lactate threshold are all way above expected levels." Caitlin says.

"I think we might have a little prodigy on our hands." Cisco says, smiling. "Like a Wizard of Whiz."

"Guys, I don't want Wally thinking that he's Barry, rushing off half-cocked, trying to take down Alchemy or Savitar the next time one of them shows up." Iris says.

"Okay, but guys, Wally's not like me." Caitlin says. "He doesn't want his powers gone. We're gonna have a hard time convincing him not to use them."

"Yeah, well, we have to." Iris says. "Until he's ready."

"How?" Joe asks, still watching Wally.

"By convincing him that he isn't." Iris says. "That means no encouraging him, no training him, and you..." She looks at Cisco. "No talking to him about a suit, please. It's for his own good."

"Why the hell not?" Cisco asks. "It's just another lie between friends, right?"

"Cisco." Iris whispers.

Wally stops running and stands in the middle of the room.

We all look at him.

"What? Still not good?" Wally asks.

"Um, I think maybe we should try again tomorrow. I can run a few more tests." Caitlin says.

"That was amazing. Dinner's on me. Whatever you want." Joe says and him, Wally, and Iris leave the speed lab.

"Test. Test." We hear HR's voice over the loudspeaker. "Fellow S.T.A.R. Labs employees. Your presence in the cortex would be greatly appreciated."

"That's tonight? His presentation?" Cisco asks and Caitlin nods. "Great."

Cisco stands up but Caitlin stops him.

"What do you think if, after, maybe we get a drink? You, me, Barry?" Caitlin asks.

"Barry?" Cisco asks. "We're just gonna get drinks? Pretend like we're friends? Nice try. It ain't gonna happen."

Caitlin looks down.

"Come on, Mack." Cisco says and I walk out with him, looking back at Caitlin who follows after a little.

HR told us his plan in the cortex.

"He's insane." I say.

"You want to open S.T.A.R. Labs to the public?" Barry asks. "In two weeks?"

"Soft open. Not a hard open. But, you know, I'll use your input. All right? Right now, it's very important 'cause the clock is ticking. My vision is set to include, but not limited to... bam... a personal transportation tour of the facility." HR says. "Or, for the faint of heart, we have... pow... a virtual reality alternative. Both set to include particle vision."

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