Chapter 34- Duet

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MacKenzie's POV

I've been the only one in the medbay for a while, sitting next to Barry.

I start dozing off when I'm snapped back by Barry and Kara seizing.

"Help!" I yell, running to the doorway. "Help! Something's happening!"

They all start running in and I go back to Barry's side.

"What's wrong?" Iris asks Caitlin.

"I think we're losing them." Caitlin says, checking their vitals.

"Come on, Barry, hang in there. Please, for me." I say, gripping his hand.

"Can you stop it?" John asks.

"Not if I don't know why." Caitlin says. 

"What are we gonna do?" Wally asks.

"Um... We need to go to whatever world they're in." Iris says. 

"How are we gonna do that?" HR asks.

"Look, he said, if we loved them enough that we could save them, wherever they are." Iris says. "Cisco, you can vibe us there."

"I don't think it works that way." Cisco says. 

"You sent me into the Speed Force. You sent Barry and Wally into the future. You can do this too." Iris says. 

"What is she talking about?" John asks.

"What's a vibe?" Mon-El asks.

"I'll explain later." Cisco says, grabbing his goggles. "Come on, just grab on to my shoulders. Let's hope this works."

Iris kisses Barry and Mon-El kisses Kara.

"Iris?" Barry asks, waking up.

"Mon-El?" Kara asks, also waking up.

"They're back!" HR exclaims.

"Bravo! Round of applause! Standing O." Meta guy says. "That was so good! I loved it. That was a hell of a show. And you two I guess your love really was strong enough after all. Beautiful."

"Man, how did you get out of the cell?" Cisco asks.

"Cisco, do you really think that cell is gonna just, like, hold me?" Meta guy asks. "Plus, if you wanted it to you should have had Mack build it." He says, pointing over to me and I smile wickedly at Cisco.

"No, I'm sorry what's going on? Why did you do this to us?" Barry asks.

"I did it because I believe in the good guys." Meta guy says. "I told you when we first met. It was to teach all of you a lesson. 'Cause I see everything, and I saw two people with two broken hearts."

"So the lesson was..." Kara starts.

"Love, Supergirl." Meta guy finishes for her. "Love is about letting yourself be saved. It's not just about saving other people. Even if you are superheroes. Anyway, I'm sorry that I had to, like, mess with you a little bit. I was just trying to get you to play the game, do the song and dance."

"Are you, like, from another...Earth-multi-verse universe, something?" HR asks.

"Yeah, you wouldn't even understand where I come from." Meta guy says. Then he turns to leave.

"Wait, I'm sorry, that's it? You're just gonna teach somebody else a lesson?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm gonna do." Meta guy says

"Oh." Barry says. 

"Think of your fellow man / Lend him a helping hand / Put a little love in your heart..." Meta guy sings and then disappears.


"Wait, so, let me get this straight. You got whammied by some guy named..." Joe asks as we stand in the cortex later.

"Music Meister." Barry finishes.

"Damn, Barry, I'd have paid good money to see you singing and dancing." Joe says and Barry laughs.

"Well, he's holding out on you because Barry has an amazing voice." Kara says. 

"He does!" Caitlin exclaims. "I've actually seen him sing."

"What? You have? How have we not made a GIF of that?" Cisco asks.

"Well, technically, I'm not even the only one here who can sing." Barry says, looking at Kara. 

"Thank you, B.A." HR says. 

"What? I was talking about Kara." Barry says. 

"Wait, shh oh, you too?" HR asks.

"Cisco." Iris says and Kara gets embarrassed. "Of course Kara can sing."

"Well, her name is Supergirl." Iris says. "It's kind of implied, right?"

"Well, we better be getting going." John says. "I promised Kara's sister we'd get her back in one piece. We couldn't have done this without you. Thank you."

"Thank you." Barry says, shaking John's hand.

Barry, Kara and Mon-El break into a group to talk. 

They leave and Barry pulls me aside.

"Joe's about to leave if you want to go with him." Barry tells me, kneeling down in front of me.

"Okay." I say. I look down and fiddle with my fingers before letting out a breath. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. You can tell me anything, you know that." Barry says.

I sit on his knee and face him.

"Barry, please make up with Iris." I tell him. "You love her, like really really really love her. And seeing you two without each other hurt you, and it hurt me to watch. Music Meister was right, love is the most important thing and without it...well, you and I both know that losing people you love is the worst thing in the world."

"Thanks Mack." Barry says. He kisses my forehead and starts to stand up so I hop off his knee. "I'll let you know." He says with a smug smile.

"Good." I say and I hug him. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Barry says, returning my hug.
"Mack, you ready?" Joe asks from behind me.

"Yup." I say.

I give Barry another hug and then give Caitlin and Cisco a hug. I give HR a fistbump on the way out.

Man, I love these people.


Hope you guys liked that chapter!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!


NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE UP JANUARY 2. I don't post during Christmas vacation and I don't want to start a new episode and then have you guys waiting a few weeks before the second half of the episode comes out. I'm sorry, but the timing just works better if I stop at this chapter and post the next chapter of the episode AFTER THE HOLIDAYS which will be JANUARY 2I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


Who watched the crossover episodes?? Pretty awesome right??


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