Chapter 2: Up in space

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Bellamy's POV

Just after the death wave

As the ship starts hurdling away from Earth, a pain starts to boil in my chest. A pain that will never be healed. I left her behind and I never told her how I felt about her. I never told her that I loved her and now it's too late. She always helped me through everything and helped me stay centered throughout all the wars and battles that were going on. Tears are now streaming down my face and I can't help it cause I lost the love of my life.

Raven glances over and sees me. Tears start welling up in her eyes too and soon the whole ship is tearing up. Even Murphy and Echo.

"We all we miss her Bellamy and she saved us again. That's the Clarke we know, a hero. She would not want us to mourn over her death but instead carry on with our lives and remember all the amazing things she has impacted on. Just remember the good things." Raven tells me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"May we meet again." Everyone starts saying to the one special girl that saved us once again.

When we got on the ark, I didn't want to go in but I thought about what Raven said. Clarke didn't die for us for nothing, so I have to do this for her. I walk in and everyone goes to pick their rooms except me. All I can do is look out the window to the burning Earth and memories of all the bad things running through my mind.


I get pulled out of my thought when Monty calls my name. "Bellamy, I don't know if you want this room but I want to show it to you. Follow me." Monty says with a sad expression on his face. I follow him and he leads me to Clarke's old cell. There are drawings everywhere and they are all so beautiful. I didn't notice that Monty had left until I finally turned around.

I spent basically all of my time in that room and slept in it too. It helped cope with the pain and it helped me remember all the amazing things about her. I will never forget her, ever. I never really became happy with all this time on the ark, nothing ever really changed. I missed her more and more everyday and I started to have nightmares about everyone. Especially her and they never stopped.

2,199 days since praimfaya

It's been over 2 years and Raven says that she will finally be ready in a couple days. Everyone was so excited about the news. In fact we had a little celebration, it was really good to see everyone smiling again after 6 rough years. When the 5 year mark hit and we found out that we could not leave, everyone was very upset. Especially me. Clarke died for us so that we could come back after those 5 years and we couldn't. In a way I felt like I failed her. It was very hard for me and everyone with me but they helped me a lot through it though and they have become a big part of my family.

Coming down to the ground

"Alright everyone are you ready to go back to the ground." Raven yells with so much excitement in her voice.

Everyone had been packed for a while and helped Raven in anyway that they can. We all were just so ready to see the ground again and we couldn't wait. I thought so much of my sister. How is she? How many people are still in the bunker? Has she changed any? I don't know what I would do without O and now I'm coming back to Earth to see her.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when the ship started beeping and we were counting down it start to begin launch. "Here we go guys, we are going back to the ground." Raven yells as the countdown begins.
The ship launches off of the ark and we start hurdling towards Earth. I only have one person now that I love, that I will see. I'm coming, O.

I left her behind! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now