Chapter 7: Explanation

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Clarke's POV

When I woke up I could tell that I was in my room. I didn't know how long I had been asleep but the pain seemed to be down a little bit but not by much. I saw Bellamy sitting in a chair. He was leaning against the table that I was on and was holding my hand with both hands. He looked so peaceful sleeping against my hand. I didn't want to wake him but the sudden pain in my stomach made me wince in pain. He must have felt me tense up and rubbed his eyes until he woke up. I tried to get up but he quickly stopped me when he saw I was still in a lot of pain and slowly laid me back down.

"Hey, you need to rest. You took a very hard betting and you don't need to open any of your stitches." He said with so much care in his eyes. "How are you feeling? Has the pain lessened any?"

"No but hopefully it will go soon. How long have I been out?" He frowned when I said that so I knew it must have been long. "You've been out for almost a week. 5 days." He looked with concern. I held out my hand so he could grab it. He took it with both hands and rubbed his finger against my palm.

"I'm so sorry. I should have known it was Echo and she kept playing us. I thought she had really changed but I should have known and—" I cut him off before he continued. He was blaming himself for what happened to me but the only person to blame was Echo.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known and it wasn't your fault." He was staring at our hands and never looked me in the eye. "But I feel like it was my fault. I could have even walked you to your room and maybe I would have seen her coming."

"Did you hit me on the head?" He finally looked up at me confused. "No I didn't E—"

"Did you tie me up and put a gag on me?" His brow furrowed and I looked in his beautiful brown eyes and he looked in my blue eyes. "No I didn't"

"Did you cut me?" He looked down from our gaze and to our hands as he said "No."

"Then it wasn't your fault. The fact that you looked for me and worried about me is more than I could ask for. Thank you for searching and finding me. I would never blame this on you. You have done so much for me in the past and now. So thank you for that and for being there when I needed you." Bellamy had got up and moved his chair over, closer to me. He grabbed my hand again and kissed it softly.

"Thank you." He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I thought he was going to kiss me but got up and and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back with the little strength I had.  Soon everyone started to pile in and see if I was okay. I knew Madi had been worried because her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

She ran up to me and hugged me tight. I winced in pain a little bit from the sudden hit. "I'm sorry, I just was so worried about you. I didn't know where you were or how to help. I-"

"Hey it's okay I understand you don't have to apologize. I'm going to be just fine." I smiled to her and she smiled back. Then everyone came closer to me and crowded around me. They all wanted to know why Echo would have done this. I explained what Echo had told me while I was in the ship. How she was supposedly jealous of what I had with Bellamy.  How I apparently had a perfect life and she just wanted to change that.

Bellamy looked down at his hands painfully. "Did you know she had this much feelings for you?" Raven asks. Bellamy looks up kinda confused and said "No. she had never really talked to me so I don't know."

We talk a little bit more and then everyone starts to leave so they can go work on stuff that needs to be done. Right before Bellamy leaves I call out to him and asks if he has a sec. "Yeah of course. What's up?" He says. "So I know that you are probably very worried about your sister and the other people in the bunker. I...I know where the bunker is so if you want to go there and get her out. The only problem is that there is a lot of rubble and that's why she wasn't already out when you got here." I said almost worried of what he will say next.

Bellamy's POV

If I'm being honest I kinda forgot about my sister. I mean I was going to talk to Clarke about it, the day after we got back, but with everything happening with Echo and how Clarke almost died. I don't know I just don't think we should leave right know. I would be worried sick but I do want to see my sister again.

"Bell" I get pulled out of my thoughts when Clarke calls my name. "I don't know if now is the right time to leave. I mean I just got you back and then I'm going to leave again." She grabbed my hand and pulled it close to her. "I know but she is also your sister that you haven't seen in 6 years. She is more important than me and beside I will be fine. If she knows what's best for her she won't come back."

I didn't really know what to say or do. I was so cautious about it. What if Echo did come back, what would happen to her. What if I came back and she was gone. Gone forever and I would never forgive myself because I was the one would had left her, but I tried not to think like that. Even though it was hard. She was right, I miss my sister so much and want to see her again.

"If I leave, someone has to stay here with you. I don't care who but someone. I won't leave you if your completely alone. Also take this." I took the gun i had in my pants loop and gave it to her. I had found in the supplies with all the weapons. She needed to have that it just incase. "If she comes back you will have protection." She gave me a soft smile and raised her arms out for a hug. I hugged her tight and felt whole when she was in my arms.

"Now can you help me stand, I feel like if I stay like this any longer I'm going to go crazy." She says with a little chuckle. I chuckle too and bring her up gently. She stiffens a bit from the pain but then relaxes. She brings her legs off the table and I help her down. At first it was hard for her to walk after everything. But I put my arm around her waist and she put her's around my neck and I helped her walk to where everyone else was sitting.

We all talked for a while and talked about the plans for tomorrow. Everyone agreed to leave go straight there and try to get everyone out. Madi said she would stay with Clarke and Raven wanted to stay too. She didn't think she would be much of any help because of her leg.

"It might take a couple of days or more. It just depends on how fast you get them out and maybe you could go in groups bringing more and more people so that there wouldn't be so much walking." Clarke suggests and I nod in agreement. Everyone else liked that idea and soon started to change the subject.

Everyone ate dinner and went to their room. I helped Clarke to her's and so did Madi. Madi hugged her and left, I was on my way to leaving as well but Clarke stopped me. "Hey Bellamy?" She questioned, I turned around and looked into her beautiful eyes. She looked a little nervous of what she was going to say. "Yeah, what's up?" I ask. "Could you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." I can see the sadness in her eyes and of course I would stay with her. I love her and would do anything for her.

I walk over to the other side of the bed after I close the door. She lays down beside me and puts her head on my stomach. I put my arm around her waist and hold her close to me. With my other hand I brush her hair gently, I can see her getting more tired by the second. She puts her hand on mine and our fingers intertwine. Then we both fall asleep, staying like that for the rest of the night.

Hey guys!! I hope you are enjoying my story so far. If you guys have any comments or things that you might like to see please comment. Thank you guys and I hope you have an amazing day!!

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