Chapter 6: Finding You

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More cutting in this chapter. Just a for warning for everyone. I'm not going to put a summary at the bottom of this one because it's basically the whole chapter. Hope you enjoy.

2 days later
Bellamy's POV

It's been 2 days since Clarke went missing. We have been searching everywhere but we can't seem to find her. By the first day everyone started to help look. Since Raven and Monty were already at Becca's lab, they searched there. Me and Madi searched the camp. Harper and Emori went to explore in the woods to see if they could find anything. And Echo said she would go to the ship that we came down in.

I should have just stayed with her last night or walked her to her room. I don't know why she would leave and I don't think she left on purpose. I mean why would she. Right after what happened that night and right after everyone had just came back from being separated. It just doesn't make sense at all.

I found Madi in one of the houses in the camp. She was in the corner with her knees up to her face. She was crying. "Hey, it's ok. We are going to find her I promise." I said softly. I know she was worried and so was I. The woman I love is out missing. I don't know if she's ok or if she's hurt and I can't do anything.

"I just...I just." She said quietly in between sniffles. "She is like a mom to me. She...she was there for me when I was getting sick and when I wanted to go to something dangerous. I just miss her and want her home." I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. I rubbed up and down her back to try and calm her down.

"Me too Madi. Me too." I said my eyes getting very watery.

Clarke's POV

I had cuts all over my body. Not only did I have those cuts on my wrists but she cut me on my ankles, my legs, and even my arms. Everything was burning with pain. I had been crying so much. I could barely think or even open my eyes. I was so tired I just wanted to rest but as soon as I started to close my eyes in walked Echo.

"Hello my little gem." She had been calling me that for the last couple of days. She was always smiling and so ready to give me more cuts. "I can't believe that they just trust me. Everyone is looking for you and Madi even gave each person a certain place to look for you. When it got to my turn I just said 'maybe I should check the ship that we came down in' and she said 'that's fine'. She is so useless. Just like you."

I tried to struggle a little bit but then more pain came in from every point in my body. It hurt to even try to think of escaping. "Oh gem. You might as well stop struggling. You know that they aren't going to find you and that you won't live to see them. I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye. Anyway today I think that I'm going to start going to a more fatal area. Eventually they will find out. How about your stomach?"

No, I definitely wasn't going to live if she started to cut me on my stomach. I kinda figured if was coming but I'd rather she cut me more on my arms or legs but no. This is what she wanted to do.

She lifted up my shirt and stared at my stomach. She left the cold blade glide on my stomach before picking a spot to cut. I tried to not think about it. I thought about the two people I know I could always count on. Bellamy and Madi. I thought of their smile. I thought of hugging them and being loved by them. I thought about the kiss from Bellamy and kissing Madi on the forehead.

Then i felt it. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my stomach. She didn't cut very deep but it still hurt. She had picked the right lower side of my stomach. The pain was so harsh that I couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

Bellamy's POV

Another day went by and still no one found Clarke. I was trying to think of maybe something I wasn't thinking of. I thought about where everyone was placed and then I thought of it. The day that Clarke went missing, Madi gave everyone an assignment except for Echo. When Madi gave everyone a place to search, she was the one who offered and not Madi.

I ran to Madi who was in Clarke's cabin looking for anything that could help us. When she saw my run to her she thought that I had found her but soon frowned when she saw no Clarke. "Bellamy, what's wrong?" She said worried.

"I think I figured it out. Who was the one person you didn't give an assignment to the first day she went missing?" I asked talking so fast I didn't think she would be able to understand me.

"Well Echo bu—" I cut her off and kept talking. "Who offered an area to look for her instead of you picking?" I said staring at her. "Echo but I thought it was a good idea."

"Where did she say she would go?" I said about to run to that place. "She said she would go to the ship that you guys came down in" when I heard the word ship, I started running. I knew she was there I just knew it. Madi was behind me chasing me. She was probably very confused.

When we got there I saw a black stained towel out side of the ship. It looked like her blood and there wasn't just one but a couple. I was afraid to walk in. I didn't know what I was going to find and was afraid of it too. I was praying that she wasn't died. That she was still ok and breathing.

When I opened the door I found her but she wasn't ok, she was in very bad shape. She had cuts everywhere on her body and was even bleeding on her stomach. She was tied up to a pole and had a gag over her mouth to muffle her screams. She didn't realized we came in because she looked knocked out and her eyes were puffy from crying. When Madi saw her, she let out a gasp and started to cry.

"Madi, go back and get everyone to the camp. Find as much medical supplies as you can find." Madi nodded hastily and ran out to find everyone and all the supplies.

I got down too her touched her lightly to wake her up. When she felt me she jumped back, but when she saw me you could see her whole body relax. I gently took the gag off of her and while I was getting her out of her restraints, she was crying.

"Bellamy." She said in a small and broken voice. She had been through so much. I came back up to her and gave her a hug. "I'm here. I'm here." I said softly while stroking her soft blonde hair.

I picked her up bridal style and she put her arms around my neck to hold on. She winced in pain when I picked her up. I tried to be gentle but she had cuts everywhere.

While we were walking back to camp I realized that she passed out. She had a huge cut in her head. It must have been from when Echo knocked her out.

When we got there everyone started to run over. They were all worried about her. "Is she ok?" Raven said. "What happened to her? Harper asked. "Who would do this, it is only us?" Monty said.

"Well think about who is the only person that is not here and has tried to kill her before but failed and now has almost killed her." I said. I was mad that anyone would do this to her especially Echo. After everything we have forgiven her for and after everything we did for her.

I went to her room and set her on a table that the others had set up. We all helped to clean her cuts and to make sure that they don't get infected. We had to stitch a couple of them up because they were too deep. Every time anyone would touch one she would cry in pain. I hated seeing her like this and wish it could all go away.

When we were done patching her all up I put a pillow under her head and pulled up a chair right beside her. She had passed out from the pain while we were taking care of her wounds. I held her hand and waited there until she woke up. Hoping she would wake up.

Hey guys so I know this was a bit of a longer chapter but I didn't know where to stop but I hope you liked this chapter and I hope that you all are having a wonderful day. Luv you guys bye!

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