Chapter 12: Telling him

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Bellamy's POV

I woke up to Clarke laying her head on my stomach and her holding my hand. She looked so peaceful sleeping and so beautiful. Last night was amazing. She said yes, she actually said yes and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to grow a family with her together and just be with her and grow old together.

I didn't want to wake her up so I just laid there with her. She must have felt me shift cause I saw her eyes flutter open and then I saw her beautiful sky blue eyes stare in my brown eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I say and she smiles and shifts she head on my chest.

"Good morning handsome." With this She got up and went to our semi bathroom.  She looked like she was trying to get there quickly.  I went over by the door and it sounded like she was throwing up. I hope she is not sick or anything.

When she comes out I have already gotten breakfast and sit beside her on the table as we eat. "Babe are you ok? I could here you throwing up in the restroom." Her head went down and she looked at her stomach. She turned her chair towards me and grabbed both of my hands. "I...I didn't know how you were going to react and I was scared to tell you cause I didn't know if you would be happy or not." There was a long pause before she continued. I looked at her with worried eyes and she looked at me  like she was scared. " you want to start a family with me? I know I do but do you." I looked at her confused a little.

Of course I wanted to start a family with her it has been a dream of mine ever since we got together. I love kids and I can't wait to have our own but I honestly don't think that is going to happen til a while from now.

"Yes of course I want to start a family with you. I can't wait to have children and name them and teach them how to hunt and walk and talk and everything." She smiled at my answer and some of the fear went away from her eyes. She looked one more time at her stomach before telling what she finally wanted to tell me.

"I... There is going to be another little one in the house." She looked down at her stomach once again with her hands around it. A tear rolled down her check and she looked so happy to finally tell me.

"A...Are you pregnant? Are you actually pregnant?" I asked still trying to take it all in. She nodded her head a little worried. After this I jumped up and down and hugged her swinging her in a circle. I was so happy, I was going to be a dad, I was actually going to be a dad. I mean technically I already am because Madi calls me dad but I get to have another child.

She started chuckling as I spun her around and she was yelling saying 'watch out for my stomach' and 'don't hurt the baby'. When I put her down, I got on a knee and kissed her belly and then got behind her and felt her belly more to see if I could feel a kick. I never felt one, I guess it is still a little early but I was still the happiest person alive and I can't wait to teach this child everything I know. My child.

We went to go tell everyone we knew about the marriage and the pregnancy. Harper and Monty already knew about both since Clarke told Harper about being pregnant yesterday and Monty helped me with the rings. Everyone was happy and excited for us. Raven said that she wanted to help find out what the gender was for us and Emori wanted to help with a gender revel type of thing once we found out. All the guys just congratulated us and gave Clarke and I a hug. After we told everyone Clarke went to go find Madi and I went to go to Monty to ask him to help me with something. I already asked Raven and she said she would gladly help.

When I got to there house, Monty opened to door and immediately hugged me. "Congrats with the baby." When we let go he let me in and gave me a seat on the table. "Thanks and I came here to ask you something. I know you just helped me and you don't have to help me on this one because you do already have Jordon and Raven said she would help but would you help me build a crib like you built for Jordon?" I asked. He gave me a smile and I gave one back to him. "Of course I will help. I don't mind but if my girl needs help with Jordon then I will have to leave and help out more the next day." He said I has so happy that her agreed to help and I couldn't wait. "That's perfectly fine." With that I went back to Clarke who probably found Madi by now.

When I went inside, Madi was there sitting at the table with Clarke beside her. She had already told her and Madi looked so happy. When she saw me she ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and when we let go she said, "Dad I get to have a brother or sister and you get to have a baby. I can't wait to pick it up and put it in my arms and then when it gets old enough I will play with them. I hope it's a girl so then I can do her hair and she can do my when she old enough. I get to be a big sister dad." Hearing that from her made my heart melt. She called me dad. She thinks of me as her father and I couldn't be happier.

"That's right Madi. I can't wait either, but you will have to help your mom take care of her sometimes." I said and she smiled even brighter if that was even possible. "Of course I want to help as much as I can. I'm going to go tell all my friends I can't wait. I can't wait!" Then she hugged me one last time and hugged Clarke before running outside to go find her friends and tell everyone she knew.

I walked over toward Clarke and kissed her on the lips. I was gentle and she was too. When we broke apart I got a chair and sat it beside her. She was my home and nothing could change that. Madi was my home and nothing could change that. I was home and nothing could take me away from them.

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