Chapter 3: Coming home

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Clarke's POV

I see the small ship hurling down to earth and excitement fills every part of my body. All I can think about is him. What will he look like? Will he still be that same or look different? Will he be happy to see me? Will he like Madi? All different kinds of questions spiraling through me head that I can't even process most of them.

"Wake up my little night blood." I say to Madi as she slowly starts to stretch and fully wake up.

"No training today." Right as I said those words, she pops right out of the rover and notices a rocket coming down from the atmosphere. She looks back and there is a huge smile perfectly on her face. I can't help but look back at her with the same smile.

"I can't wait to meet everyone. Do you think they will like me? Do you think I will like them? Are they really like the stories? Will they like the earth after everything?" I quickly stop her before she says anything else and just chuckle for a minute.

"How about we go see them and they you can ask them any question you want" Madi quickly runs in the passenger side of the rover and is yelling for me to come on.

Bellamy's POV

We take a bumpy journey going down but, Raven lands it in the small patch of green that is left on earth. Before I even realize it, I am grabbing the handle and opening the door but, right before I do I remember the first time we came to earth. I remember Clarke's voice telling me not to open the door and remember her face shinning in the sunlight. I miss her so much. I would give anything to see her again.

I put my feelings aside and open the door. Immediately the sun shines, blinding you tell your eyes start to adjust. I jumped down and feel the dirt under my feet. I take off my helmet and just breathe in those earth smells that I have longed for, for 6 years.

By the time I look behind me, I see everyone doing the exact same thing. Everyone is smiling so bright. It's good to see everyone so happy after a very long 6 years.

"Hell yes", yells Murphy from the back. All anyone can do is chuckle and yell with him.

But all of the sudden I see metal shine in the sun behind the trees. I feel like I'm going crazy because I see two people as well. I thought everyone was either in the bunker or in space. Then I see her. I see her blonde hair, shorter then I remember with pink at the ends. I see her soft features and her beautiful blues eyes that are as soft as the blue sky. Everyone has gone quiet and just staring in awe.

Raven is the first one to start running and soon everyone joins and starts running to Clarke, except me. I just feel frozen. Like I can't move. I thought she was dead, I morned over her death every night. Had nightmares of what had happened to her. About all the pain she must have went through, but now she's here. She is right in front of me and I can't believe it.

Clarke's POV

When they start to see me they all stop right in their tracks. Especially Bellamy. He is just staring, like a deer in headlights. Raven is the first one to start running. I do the same and we crash into each other and laugh. Tears are coming down both of faces. So happy that each other are alive.

"I thought you were dead. We all thought you were dead. We even had a little funeral for you." Raven says, her voice cracking.

I softly whisper in her ear. My voice not that strong at either. "It's ok, I'm here now."

After that, Raven and I have a little not to each other and then everyone else went to hug me and make sure that I was real. Even Echo patted me on the back to see me since 6 years ago, but I knew I was missing someone. He was there right in front of me. Staring like if he looked a away for one second I would disappear. I slowly come up to him and raise my arms up for a hug. He comes forward and faster then I had expected and slammed into me. He put one arm around my waist and the other in my hair.

"I-I thought you were gone. I thought I would never be able to see you again. I thought I lost you forever." I could feel tears falling on my shirt and feel his grip tightening to make sure I don't disappear.

"I know. It's ok, I'm here now and that's the important thing." I feel him start to calm down and breathe in my neck. We continue to hug for what feels like forever. Until he started to loosen his grip. He looked straight into my eyes and I looked in his beautiful brown eyes.

"And I am never loosing you again, no matter what." When he said those words, I felt my whole body warm up and hugged him one last time. Then I knew that where ever he was, is where I need to be.

After hugging for a while, we smiled at each other and grabbed his hand to give it one last squeeze but coming back to everyone. I look around at everyone and realize that Madi never came out of behind the trees with me.

"Madi, come on out. I want to introduce you to some very important people." I say as everyone start looking at each other. So confused who Madi is. Soon enough she come walking slowly out from hiding and comes stand by me. I didn't expect what happened next.

She walked up to the closest person, which was Harper, and just stared for a minute. Harper just smiled and looked around kinda confused. It was pretty cute and kinda funny.

"You are Harper, right?" Harper look very shocked as Madi said that and she went to the next person. She Monty and Harper holding hands and knew it was Monty.

"You are Monty." She kept going along, naming everyone right and they hadn't even meet yet. Everyone looked pretty shocked. I was even a little surprised, I guess she got it from my drawings or maybe the stories. Which ever it was pretty impressive.

"How did you know all of our names? I don't think we have meet before." Says Emori so confused.

"Well I kinda knew part of all of you before I had even really seen you. Clarke told many of stories about all of you and you all know her and how she likes to draw. She drew all of you and it is really beautiful. There was a time when I was littler and she gave you all names after she said your actual name like—" I quickly stopped her from continuing so that they didn't have to here that and embarrass me more. Everyone was already looking at me already.

"I think it is time to show our friends where camp is and make a fire. Right my little night blood." I said hoping that would get her excited and wanting to show everyone around. Sure enough she gets very excited and looks like she is think where to show them first.

"That's a great idea. We can show them where their rooms are and we can show them our camp and the berries and the river."

"Okay okay Madi slow down. We can do a full tour tomorrow but I think everyone might be a little tired from their trip." I said hoping that everyone would agree.

"Okay guys come on I will show you where our camp is." Madi said full of excitement as everyone followed her with big smiles on their faces. I soon realize that even though I'm behind the group a little, Bellamy is still right beside me. I feel his hand graze mine and then feel him grab mine. I look towards him and see that stupid smirk of his and smile back. It makes me feel so wonderful inside to know that he is finally with me and I don't have to worry. It doesn't have to be just me and Madi now. We have company and I hope it stays this way.

When we get up with the rest of the group, Madi is busy showing where everyone is sleeping. She grabs Bellamy when he sees him and shows him to his room. I can't help but chuckle.

I left her behind! [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now