Chapter 11: Two-gether

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A couple years later

Clarke's POV

I woke up with Bellamy behind me and hugging my waist. I could already hear commotion going on throughout the village. Everyone had their own cabins and were starting their own families. Harper and Monty had a baby a year ago and their baby boy is so adorable. They named him Jordon. Emori and Murphy have their own cabin and their relationship is growing a lot. Raven hasn't  found anyone quite yet but I think she has a crush. Madi stayed in the same cabin as me and Bellamy but we just made her a separate room.

I tried to get up but Bellamy won't let me. He squeezed my waist even harder and grunted quietly. "Can we just stay in bed all day? They don't need us." He asked as I turned myself around so that I could face him. He still had his eyes closed and gave me a slight smile. "You can stay here and sleep but I'm going to go check on Madi and see how Jordon and Harper are doing." I started to try to go away but he still wouldn't let me. "But I don't want to stay unless you are here. You are what makes it perfect." I smiled at his comment and decided to stay for a little bit longer. "Fine but only for a little bit longer." I turned back around and held his hand and fell back asleep.

2 hours later

I woke up again and this time I got up before Bellamy could protest. He realized I was out of bed and grunted again before getting up himself. He came over to me and smiled before kissing me on the lips and walked over to get some food to eat. I went ahead to go check on Madi. When I got there she was already out of her room and out doing something. There was a note on the bed that said:

Dear momma,

I know that you would come to check on me but I went to see if you were awake and you looked so cute with Bellamy so I didn't want to wake you. I already got some food and I went out to go hangout with some friends. I will be back soon. Love you Mom.

I went back to the main room where Bellamy came back with some food from the village and handed me some. "How is Madi?" He asked. "I don't know she apparently is hanging out with some friends right now." He nodded and continued to eat his breakfast. "Do you want to go ahead and go see Harper and Jordon after we are done eating? Oh and I have a surprise tonight for you and it's really special so you can't do anything tonight."

I nodded my head and gave him a confused smile and walked up to him and put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist. I kissed him a couple of times before telling him I loved him and went back to my room. When I got there I put on some other clothes. After I got dressed I went to the area we had to be able to use the restroom but before I could go I felt really sick. I threw up a lot and felt very weak when I was done. I went back to the bed and sat down for a little bit before getting back up. This is not the first time this had happened. A couple weeks ago is when it started and I keep getting sick in the morning mostly but I just pushed it to the side and act like it never happened especially cause Bellamy had a surprise for me tonight. I didn't think it was important.

Me and Bellamy went to Harper and Monty's house and knocked on the door. Harper opened the door and she was holding little Jordon. She motioned for me to hold him and I put out my arms and picked him up. He rested his head on my shoulder and patted his back gently as we both walked in. "Thank goodness you came, he just wouldn't go to sleep but he seems to always sleep when he is in your arms." I smiled at that and looked at the adorable little baby in my arms. He had already fallen asleep and had a tiny smile on his face.

Harper sat at her table and I sat in the chair next to her. "Where is Monty?" I asked quietly trying not to wake him up. "He went to go get me some food cause I'm hungry." Me and Bellamy chuckled and as if right in que, Monty walked in with some food and sat it on the table. Monty and Bellamy started to talk and that gave me a chance to talk to Harper about me getting sick.

"Hey can I talk to you in your room?" I asked Harper and she nodded and we walked into her room and sat me down on the bed. She had a worried look on her face and took Jordon from my arms and put him in the crib that Monty made for him. She came back and sat beside me and was ready to listen.

"I have been getting sick for the past couple of weeks and I only feel sick in the morning and as I go through the day I feel fine, just in the morning. And I...I think that I might be p...pregnant." Harper's eyes lit up and she was about to yell but I shhhed her cause I didn't want Bellamy to know. "Does Bellamy know?" She said excitedly. "No, I don't know how he will react. I'm just a little worried. I mean we have been together for a couple years now but I'm still worried." I said and she grabbed my hands and said "I bet that he will be so excited and I can't wait to see if it's a girl or boy. I hope it's a girl." She put her hands on my belly. We couldn't feel anything yet but I had told her about how I felt hungrier throughout the day and more tired and all of these were signs of being pregnant but I wasn't sure.

We walked back to the main room where Bellamy and Monty were still talking. We joined the conversation and talked for a long time just enjoying each other's company. Soon we heard Jordon start to cry and I got up with Harper and went to go check on him. I picked him up first and burped him for a little bit and he started to stop crying. "You are a natural. You will be the best mom ever!" She said with excitement in her voice. "Technically I am already a mom but I didn't have Madi when she was this little." She nodded and said "Imagine if you have two girls." We both chuckled at the thought and I thought about what Bellamy would think if we had a girl.

Me and Bellamy soon left their house and it was starting to get dark. I thought Bellamy was going to take me to his surprise but he didn't. We went out to the campfire and we saw Madi hanging out with some of her friends and Octavia talking to Indra. "Hey I will be right back. Stay here and please wait til I come back." He gave me a big smile and I smile back and kissed him and walked over to Madi. When she saw me she ran up to me and hugged me tight. I jumped back a little and hugged her back. We talked for a while. She told me all about what she did with her friends today and how training went with Octavia. She said that Octavia said that she was getting really good and was soon ready to go on one of the hunts for food if she wanted to. I could see how excited she was to go hunting for the first and maybe Bellamy could go with her.

Bellamy came back and grabbed my hand and Madi's hand and started to take us towards our cabin. When we stepped in there were rose petals all over the floor and he walked in the middle of the room and he got on one knee. I could hear Madi gasp and I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Clarke Griffin, you have been my dream for so long. From the moment I meet you, I could see how strong , determined, loving and beautiful you were. Even though we might not have been very good friends in the beginning, you stole my heart as I kept spending more and more time with you. When I lost you, it was the hardest thing in my life. I had lost the most important person to me. The person who made me better just being beside of me. Then when I saw you when we came back down, I froze. I thought I had lost you and then you were right in front of my eyes. I thought my mind was playing tricks but when I realized that I was dreaming, I was the happiest I have ever been because I had the loving, caring, kind, strong, beautiful person that I feel in love with back in my life and I knew that I was never going to leave you again. So to sum it all up. Clarke Griffin will you marry me?" He had the brightest smile on his face and a tear ran down my check. He pulled out a box that had a ring that he must have made with a jewel that he found.

".....I......Yes!! Yes yes yes!!!" I said with a huge smile in my face. He got up and kissed me and picked me up and spun me in circle before putting me down. Madi was on the side jumping up and down saying "finally!!" And I knew that these were the most important people that I will ever have in my life and that all I need is them, all I need is him.

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