Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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Before you start reading I wanted to say a couple of things. I started realizing that more people were starting to read my story and add it to their reading lists. I'm so happy for this. I honestly didn't think anyone was going to read it. Thank you for that and I hope you enjoy.

Warning this chapter has some cutting in it. If you have cut before or don't like that type of thing then don't read Clarke's POV. There is a small summary at the bottom of what happened.

Bellamy's POV

When I woke, I immediately smiled thinking about last night. I hoped that it wouldn't be awkward now after that kiss. She was so amazing and beautiful in every possible way and made my life so much better. She has saved my life more times then I can count and has always been by my side even if we had a fight or didn't really like each other.  I knew that I could do anything as long as I was with her. Even if she didn't like me back.

Everyone seemed to already be up. Madi had started a fire and was making breakfast for everyone. I scanned the area to look for Clarke but never saw her. When Madi saw me she ran over with a big smile on my face but then frowned as she got closer.

"Good morning Madi, what's wrong?" I said with a bit of concern. I didn't know why she was upset and she seemed so happy just a minute ago.

"Where's Clarke?" She said. Her voice was full of concern and worry. "She wasn't in her bed when I went to go wake her up, so I thought she was with you but I guess not." She was very confused and went back to where she was cooking.

"I don't know. She might have just went for a walk or something. She might have even took the rover to go get supplies." I said hoping that I was right and that she was perfectly fine.

"Yeah, maybe your right. I just worry a lot about her. She is like a mother to me. She cared for me even though she didn't know me and even when she was sick, she made sure that I was ok." Madi eyes started to water and I went over to hug her. She hugged me back and wiped her eyes. Then she grabbed some plates that she had and put some meat and berries on each one.

"Here let me help you." I said. She smiled and gave me some plates with food on them to give to the others. "Who's hungry?" I yelled and everyone got up and ran to get them a plate. I laughed as they all stuffed their food in their mouths. We had all been in space for so long that the taste of fresh berries and cooked meat was like heaven to the mouth.

— 4 hours later —

Madi wanted to wait to do the tour til Clarke come back. In the mean time, she did give us all something to do to help out around here. Since she already knew so much about us we just listened and got to work. Raven and Monty had Becca's lab. They were working on getting everything back working. Harper and Emory had planting. They were taking care of the garden and planting more fruits and vegetables there. While me and Murphy went to help build more cabins for the camp. I don't know what she made Echo do but she wasn't around so she is doing something.

"Bellamy!" Madi yelled. She seemed out of breath and worried about something. "Clarke still hasn't come back and I'm getting worried. She has never been gone this long without telling me. Every time she left she alway told me."

"Okay, I will help you look for her. If I'm being honest I'm worried too, but we will find her I promise." I said, I didn't know where she could be or why she would have left. We started with looking in all or the houses in the camp and yelling her name. Then went from there.

Clarke's POV

I woke up with a massive headache and something wet running down the right side of my head. I went to go and touch it but my hands were tied behind my back and I had a gag in my mouth. I tried to move around a little bit but they were so tight, that I couldn't move an inch. I looked around and realized that I was in the ship that everyone came down in. It was a pretty good distance away from camp and no one would hear me if I even tried to yell but I did anyways.

"HELP! HELP!" I said in a muffled voice. I didn't even try again cause I thought what's the point no one is coming anyway. Then suddenly the door opens and someone walks in. I didn't see who it was at first because of the bright sunlight from outside, blinding me, but as my eyes started to adjust, I saw her. It was Echo.

I tried talking under my gag but she cut me off. "Oh don't worry about trying to talk. No one will hear you anyway." I struggled with my straights, trying so hard to get me hand through them. But it was useless I wasn't going to get out unless I broke my hand.

I saw that she was twiddling a small knife in her hand. She must have gotten it from the kitchen last night when she kidnapped me. "Now before we start having some fun, let me tell why this is all happening to you. You might be thinking that you haven't done anything wrong, but here's the thing. Throughout the time I have known Bellamy, I have gotten to like him more and more and more, but he never wants me. He just wants you. He's pathetic, I mean look at you. Your ugly, worthless, stupid and should mean nothing to anybody. He honestly probably only likes you for your body."

All those thoughts ran through my head before I could even process them. I didn't know what to think. Echo was doing all of this just because of who Bellamy choose? Why? I was pulled out of my thought when Echo came closer and put the knife on my skin.

"We are going to start with smaller cuts in different places and maybe break something here and there but the longer they don't find you. The more pain you will be in. I don't really care what they do to me, as long as I can she you in pain, for all the pain you put me through." She said with a devilish grin on her face.

She grabbed my wrist and put the knife on it. She slowly punctured the skin and cut in a straight line. I screamed under my gag in pain and my eyes started to water. She then took a towel and stopped the bleeding a little bit but not much. Then she went to the other wrist and did the same thing. The pain was so bad that I could feel it everywhere and I knew she was no where close to being done.

She went to each wrist and made sure to stop the bleeding. She wanted me to stay alive and suffer. She wanted me to die very slowly and enjoy every minute of it. I just hope that they find me soon. Please find me Bellamy.  Please. Help.

During Clarke's POV, she woke up tied up and she tried to scream but there was a gag on her. Echo came in and started talking to her about why she is doing this to Clarke. Echo says that she had always been jealous of Bellamy and Clarke and how she likes him be he never likes her. Only Clarke. She wants to get her out of the way so she came be with Bellamy and that is when she starts hurting Clarke.

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