Chapter 8: Leaving

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Bellamy's POV

Me, Monty, Murphy and Harper got everything ready for a long trip. Emori stayed back to help Raven, Clarke, and Madi build more cabins for the people in the bunker. I was a worried about Clarke and her stitches. She kept saying that she would be okay and that she would try to be careful but that doesn't keep me from worrying about her.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes and I went up to Clarke after I hugged everyone else. She opened up her arms when she was coming. She could barely walk but could manage a small distance. I hugged her lightly and and put my head in her neck.

"Please please be careful and be safe. Don't do too much and tire yourself out." I whispered in her ear. "It's okay. I'm going to be fine and I will be careful. If I get tired or feel pain I will sit down." She said. Her body was still a little shaky but her voice was strong. "Thank you. I'll bring back you mother and I will see you soon." When I mentioned her mother she let out a long shaky breath and started to sniffle. "Okay."
I let go of her and pushed a hair back behind  her ear. I kissed her softly on the head and she gave me a soft smile before I turned around and headed to the rover.

I was the first one to start driving while Monty directed where I was going. The drive took 3 hours. When we got there, everything was in rubble and you couldn't really tell where anything was or used to be. There was a path that Clarke must have made and went all the way to an area that didn't seem to have as much rubble. Clarke said that they had been trying to work on it but they never got very far cause it was just them.

We all started to get to work. Helping each other pick up more and more rumble and setting it somewhere else. It took us a very long time to remove everything, but when we all got there we couldn't be happier. Until we realized we couldn't get in. None of us had a key.

"What if we try to make enough sound out here and then maybe then they will hear us?" Harper asked. "Actually that could work. We could get the rover over here and then push the gas while it's in park and then also get metal pipes and band on the door." Monty said

With that we all got to work. I went to get the rover and bring it over. Murphy and Harper went to go find as many metal pipes as they could and Monty helped me set up the rover. Once we had everything set up, we started making as much noise as possible. We continued this for an hour but no one came out, so we took a break and tried to figure out another idea. Then all of the sudden, we heard the door and all of us popped right up.

The door started to open and there she was. My one and only sister. My family that I hadn't seen in 6 years. That I thought of everyday and worried about constantly. I stared in awe, until she ran up to me and hugged my neck tightly.

"I missed you so much Bell." She whispered. "I missed you too, O." We hugged for a while until we finally broke apart and smiled widely at each other. More and more people started to come out and see the damaged world all around them.

"How many people are still left." I asked. It didn't look like there was as many as there was when I left. "Well there was a disease that spread everywhere and a lot of people died during it. We only have 1,000 now." She said, looking down in disappointment. "Well Clarke, Madi, Emori, and Raven are in the forest making more cabins for everyone to stay in." She looked up and was very confused. "Let me just show you. We are going to take groups in the rover to get them there faster."
I said, not really clarifying much. "Okay."

Monty started with taking one group at a time back to the forest. Although there was something wrong. I hadn't seen Clarke's mother ever since we opened the door. I went over to Kane to ask where she was.

"Hey Kane. I have a question." He looked so sad and very skinny. He had dark circles under his eyes and they were puffy like he had been crying. "Hey Bellamy, have you seen Clarke?" He asked scanning every inch to find her. "She's at the forest, but where is her mother. I told her that I would find her and bring Abby back to her but I haven't seen her yet." Once I said this, tears started to trickle down his face and it became very pale. "Kane, are you okay?"

"Clarke's mother, Abby my dear Abby, d..d..dead. She passed away in the disease and she wrote a note that she wanted me to give to Clarke. She was such an amazing woman and I don't think I could tell Clarke. I know that she will be devastated." Tears started to form in my eyes but I tried to stay strong. Clarke had already been through so much since we came down and now this. I wish I could just take it all away from her.

I was next to take another group and I had asked if Monty could ride with me so he could drive back. I need to tell Clarke about this and she needed someone with her, especially when she hears the news.

Clarke's POV

It was only a day when I saw the rover come back for the second time with a new batch of people and that's when I saw him. He scanned the area until his eyes meet mine and when they did he ran up to me and hugged me tight. When we came apart he looked sad and nervous. I didn't know why.

"Are you okay?" I asked, it worried me how sad he looked. "Nothing, we'll talk about it in the morning. Tonight can we just spend together. Just you and me." He asked. I knew that it was bad and it was going to be a hard day tomorrow and so I said yes. Also because that is something that sounded perfect right now. To just be alone with Bellamy.

He put his arm around me and we walked to my room and got on the bed. I snuggled up against his chest and he put one arm around my waist and the other was stroking my hair. We talked for hours and soon feel asleep. Though right before Bellamy went to sleep he kissed my head and whispered something I never thought I'd hear. "I love you Clarke."
"I love you too Bellamy." I tilted my head up and kissed him on the lips. Then went back to my original position and feel asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading and have a marvelous day or night.

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