Chapter 2 | A Deadly Santa Attack

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC's, which is Sam Piper. I take the name Piper from Billie Piper, because I have zero creativity what so ever.

Yey! Anyway, I know this sort of story is not that interesting, but I love writing it. I also need a feedback about the story. So please review at the end of the story. Now! Onwards to the story.


Sam sprinted away from the kitchen, dodging the kitchen table and made his way to the living room. He looked the door away and make sure the man was safe, as he running through the front door and looked the door. Looking around, he might need a weapon but he remembers that the master bedroom was locked and that's where his uncle kept all his hunting gun.

A moment later, the tuba player fired a blast at the house, shocking the house and he could have spotted the glass cracked followed by the door, he sighed in relieved that nothing happened towards the house. It might be some kind of a miracle that the front door was still intact even, but he knows that he needs some weapon to fight the weird Santa robot band; he walked towards the family room and saw they were getting closer.

Finally, out of options, Sam saw the pile of umbrella's, walking stick, and spotted a sturdy metal baseball bat. Grabbing the bat, he hung onto for self-defence. He waited for his pursuers outside, ready to make a stand. The boy waited, for a good solid ten minutes. He was met with a complete silence, cautious, he didn't let his down guard. Just as he was getting a bit fed up, the doorbell rang.

"Great! At least the bad guy has some manner." Sam muttered sarcastically. The ball rang again. Followed by knocking that quickly escalated to pounding on the door.

The boy flinched as his front door cracked, he wanted to scream and cry, but the inside of his mouth lacked any moisture. He breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter his lungs, starved for air, his heart raced at tremendous speeds as he gripped the baseball bat in his hand tighter that made his knuckle white. The door burst its hinges, revealing the silhouettes of three Santa robots in the opening. There's no way he could beat them all, but he need them not to captured the man and harm him in anyway; this was the bad guy and there must be a reason why they wanted the man and whatever those reason is, it's probably always not good. Sam glanced to his back, he need to distract the Santa robots from the living room long enough probably for the police get here or probably some robotic destroyer team here.

"Hey! Weird killer Santa robot," Sam called them. "If you want to know where he is, you'll have to get to me first." He backed away, heading for the kitchen. "Well, come on then. Come and get me!" he taunted.

The robots followed him, and when they shuffled into the kitchen to after him, Sam swung his bat in full force, flinging the front Santa sideways head first into the sink. Sam turned the faucet on full strength, hoping the Santa's were indeed mechanical. He noted the jerking of the robot as the water hit its circuits with a small amount of satisfaction while keeping his attention on the other two bots still advancing on him.

"One down," he informed them. The robots remained silent, but stopped suddenly as they turned their attention back to the hallway before making their way out there. Confused, Sam followed them at a distance, and saw them backed away and stood there in the front yard, and immediately disappeared in pillars of light.

"Remote control robot," a voice stated behind him. Sam spun around in surprise when he caught the sight of the man standing in the doorway, a weird blue pen held out threateningly. He paused and looked the boy as if just noticing he was there. "You're not hurt, are you?" he asked, as his eyes scanned him.

"No." Sam shook his head quickly and took another breath, urging his heart rate to slow. "Just shaken up." He frowned a little, his mind replaying everything that had happened. "You said remote control robot, but who's controlling it."

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