Chapter 14 | Settling in The Time Machine

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my own Original Character. Everything else is own by the BBC.

A/N: I AM BACK! Just finish my exam, and I haven't got any wink of sleep but that's okay. Because I should be sleeping. But that's not the point! I just updated a new chapter and here we are even if I'm tired and I skate after the exam and sort of dooze off while skating thus made me slip and fall but I do have time for updating a new chapter! I am not making sense because I am sleep deprived.

Good night! I mean, enjoy the story!


Moments after they first stepped inside, the Doctor opened the door and Sam all but stumbled in after him. The TARDIS hummed softly in greeting, dimming the lights slightly as if she knew about the Doctor feeling of anger and the painful screaming that echoed in his head. Exhaling a deep breath, the Doctor proceed to go inside.

"Right then," the Doctor said as he ran up the ramp to the console. "Sam Piper, we're going to the library. Not just a library, but the planet library and I can guarantee you that we're going to be there for a while to find a book for you to read. Of course the TARDIS has a library but with your idea of not liking reading, probably going to the planet library will change your mind."

Sam felt a rush of excitement, it wasn't as if he doesn't like reading but he doesn't have the ability to sit still and finished a book on time without he forgets about it and abandoned it; he wasn't really a fast reader, he was the slow reader who made a bit mistake on reading the words. But the idea visiting the planet library for him was exciting, until he felt his exhaustion return full-force. He tried to stifle a yawn, but he wasn't fast enough to hide it from the Doctor.

The Time Lord gave him an evaluating glance, expression softening as he took in how exhausted the boy looked. "On second thought, maybe you should get some sleep first.

"I'm fine." he lied as he fought to keep his expression awake.

"Sam, if you haven't already noticed, there tends to be a lot of running in my life. I'll need you awake for that." the Doctor told him, he saw the boy hesitated. "It's not like we're going to be late for anything. This is a time machine, remember? In two seconds, I can have us having lunch with Winston Churchill."

"Can we really have a lunch with Winston Churchill?" Sam asked.

"Oh yes, of course." the Doctor said with a smug tone. "He's an old friend of mine and I did owe him a lunch together, although I forgot where and when. Need to remembered that again, so I won't land on the wrong time line and muck it about, maybe I need to go as soon as possible to try avoid a paradox by meeting myself."

"Can go there now? Don't want to make any messy mess in time, after all."

"After you got your little human sleeps." the Doctor declared. He was amused as the boy groaned in disappointment his little plan didn't work. "I know what you're trying to do, leading me on and trying to make me forget about the rest you need."

"But I'm not tired." Sam whined.

"Nice try Mr. Piper but I saw that little stifle yawn you tried to hide," the Doctor scolded. He folded his arms and stood in front of the console. "Besides, we had a long day today and it's best for you to rest."

The boy finally caved. "Alright. What about you?"

"Superior Time Lord biology," the Doctor boasted. "I don't need as much sleeps as humans. I'll just throw us in the Time Vortex for the night."

With that, he turned and bounced over to the console in the centre of the room. He started circling around the console, throwing up switches, spinning dials, and pressing buttons at a whirlwind speed. It was an odd dance to be sure, but it seemed to work, for the TARDIS suddenly gave a massive shudder. Sam tried to catch himself on the railing but just ended up getting thrown to the ground, landing clumsily on his elbow.

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