Chapter 16 | The Motorway

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything that related to Doctor Who, except my own original character. At least someday maybe I would? Probably become one of the screen-writer? Maybe. (Lol nah!)

A/N: Hello! Can I ask you guys a bit thing? If you feel like shit, and you don't like living anymore or like anything you used to like (ex: writing, watching movies, series, or even reading). What should you do?


He lost him. The Great Big Time Lord with the brain that could be beat even the most advance computer just lost a child to a kidnapper. The feeling of panic and fear creeping up at him, he should've taken better look at him, he should've even keep an eyes on him. He was a Time Lord for Rassilon sake! His senses should have been ten times better and an ordinary human ape should've been creeped into him. He never felt this panic and fear in a long time and it wasn't the feeling of the usual panic when one of his companion wandering off, this feeling of panic and the rush of adrenaline pumping through him was far more familiar to him.

What if he lost him for good? What if he never found Sam? He should've bring him home safe, he promised him that. To bring him back home, and he needs to fulfil that promises to him, he won't break that promise. He would never break that promise ever again, he wouldn't break it not like the last time. The last promise to keep his companion safe, and he will keep him safe. No empty promises.

No more.

Mentally slapping himself, he should've take his words and moved the TARDIS somewhere saver than the lower level. He should've known that the place would be dangerous, yet his stupid idiotic curious Time Lord brain won't stop him for rummaging around the place and pocking every turned with a big stick rather than keeping the safety option.

All of this was his fault, why didn't he even pay attention to his surrounding more. Sam wasn't like his other companion, sure they were all different; they were adults, soldier, doctor's, alien, time lady, warrior, shapeshifting alien, librarian, teenagers, and even a tin dog. Yet, they all had one thing in common; the ability for taking care of themselves, even the half of them were all jeopardy magnet. In the events of being captured, half of them can take better care of themselves, some would think a way out by themselves, and the others would just free themselves easily. But in Sam case, he was just a child; a ten years' old who are now lost in a world where he wasn't familiar with, in the event of being captured, there's a possibility where he would be scared and confused. Thanks to his big ol' Time Lord sense he always boasted to be more superior than anyone, yet didn't notice the two people creeping up behind them.

The only clue he has now was their whereabouts which was the motorway and the need for them to have three passengers or possibly more. Quickly making his way back to the streets. His frustration become more pent up as made his way. He could see all the pharmacy stalls had close d. Urgently, he pounded on the nearest one angrily. The same lady who sold the woman Forget opened immediately, plastering a broadly smile at the Doctor.

"Thought you'd come back." the pharmacist said happily. "Do you want some Happy, Happy?" She asked.

"Those people," the Doctor pointed furiously. "Who are they? Where did they take him?"

"They've taken him to the motorway," the male pharmacist opened his hatch, as he replied. The Doctor turned to the man urgently.

"Looked like carjackers to me." The woman pharmacist nodded, saying in agreement.

"I'd give up now, darling." the other pharmacist interjected, and the Doctor turned to her. "You won't see him again." She said sadly, and the Doctor's eyes darkened.

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