Chapter 24 | A Different Time for Reinette and Arthur

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Disclaimer: Me own nothing from Doctor Who except my original character. Maybe someday I would say that I own partially of Doctor Who. A person can dream, eh?

A/N: Well, hello. Now this is part of the chapter where I write in some silly context notes. But yeah, you already know the drill.

*turn on Drill*

His name is Mickey!

Anyway, we met Arthur a bit early here. There would be a lot of change in this story.


On the other side of the fireplace, the Doctor looked blankly at a room that looked vastly different from the one he'd just left. The sun was shining, and the furniture had been rearranged. He wondered how much time had passed her, he suspected some loose wire in the system made the whole thing gone a bit differently. Yet, it had only been a moment or two for him on the other side of the fireplace.

"Reinette," he called. "Just checking you're okay."

Nothing. He wandered quietly, his eyes roaming the bedroom that was now a plush of red and gold. Everything in the room was different, there were no more children's toys scattered around and the drapery and duvet were more mature colours. A large elegant harp sat in the middle of the floor. He plucked a few of the strings and frowned. Maybe it was more than overnight, it's probably a year or two.

A sound of a throat clearing, interrupted his thoughts. He looked away from the harp into the eyes of a young woman with blonde hair, dressed in a beautiful light blue gown.

"Oh! Hello!" the Doctor said to the young woman standing there. He shoved his glasses back in his pocket and shifted uncomfortable. "Um, I was just looking for Reinette. Uh, this is still her room, isn't it? I've been away, not sure how long."

"Reinette! We're ready to go!" came a voice from down the corridor. The Doctor glanced at the door and then more closely at the young woman standing in front of him.

"Go to the carriage, mother, I will join you there," she called back, her eyes fixed on the Doctor in her room, "I will join you there," Reinette stepped towards them away from her door, "It is customary, I think to have imaginary friend only during one's childhood. You are to be congratulated on your persistence."

"Reinette!" the Doctor said. His voice showing his surprise. "Well, goodness how you've grown."

Reinette eyed him as she came closer, "And neither of you appear to have aged a single day. That is tremendously impolite of you both."

"Right, yes... sorry. Um..." the Doctor muttered floundering a bit on just what he could say to that, "Listen, lovely to catch up but I better be off, eh? Don't want your mother finding you up here with a strange man, do we?" And he needed to get back before Sam got any ideas about looking for the clock droid, or the other way around. His new lovely companion always got a huge target being a trouble magnet on their back.

"Strangers?" Reinette said questioningly as she eyed him with wonder, coming closer still, "How could you be a stranger to me? I've known you since I was seven years old."

"Yeah, I suppose you have," the Doctor nodded. "I came the quick route."

He froze when Reinette reached out and touched his cheek. "Well, you see to be flesh and blood, at any rate," she said, a confused look on her face. "But this is absurd. Reason tells me you cannot be real."

"Oh, you never want to listen to reason," the Doctor shrugged.

A male voice shouted from another part of the house. "Mademoiselle! Your mother grows impatient!"

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