Chapter 20 | Last Words of the Face of Boe

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Disclaimer: I declare thee that I do not own any property of Doctor Who in the exception of the original character.

A/N: With heavy editing come explanation. Okay so in this one, originally I wasn't going to kill the Face of Boe but then I changed my mind in the last minute. It was sad really, we're seeing our favorite character died early and they haven't even met yet but they will and the message of season 3 will be delivered later but not in this episode. The other reason is because I don't feel like changing the ending of this particular episode because of how fitting it is.
That's all I guess, but don't worry! We still going to meet a certain captain on the way.


Focus on the story!


The Doctor was looking at the schematics of the motorway when suddenly a dot representing a car appeared out of nowhere in the fast lane. He tried to find the car Sam was in as he hoped whatever entity that are in the universe that the car was still register, and he was still inside there alive and not being mauled by the Macra. His face suddenly lit up and his hopes flared when he saw the number.

"Car four six five diamond six, it still registers! That's Sam!" the Doctor cried in delight. "Oh, he's brilliant!" He had to get Sam out of there. But he knew how he could save him and the entire people of the city.

"Novice Hame, hold that in place," the Doctor said getting her to hold a cable. "Think, think, think," he muttered tossing around cables and flicking switches. "Taking the residual energy, invert it, feed it through the electricity beds."

"There isn't enough power," Novice Hame told him.

"Ah, you've got power! You've got me! I'm brilliant with computers, just you watch. Hame, every switch on that bank up to maximum!" the Doctor continued to run around tweaking switches and screens, using the sonic-screwdriver where necessary. "I can't power up the city, but all the city needs are people."

"So what are you going to do?" Hame asked as she flips the last switch on the bank and turns to face the Doctor who was dashing about before stopping in front of a big switch.

"This!" the Doctor cried with a wide grin as he pulled a leaver. "But suddenly all the computers powered down. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" He ran back to his spot on the floor and used the sonic. He had cables looped around his shoulders and was working frantically. He knew that Sam wouldn't have long if the car was back on. "The transformers are blocked. The signal can't get through."

"Doctor..." the Face of Boe tried to say.

"Yeah, hold on, not now," he said impatiently before yelling over his shoulder, "Novice Hame, drop the wires and keep a hold on that switch."

She did as he told and watched the Face of Boe on the side carefully. He wasn't looking very good at the moment, but he still wanted to help. "Doctor," she said, trying to get his attention.

"Just keep it down," the Doctor directed, "The signal should get through, just hold on."

'I give you my life,' his words were cut off as a wind blows through the place, the Face of Boe gave his life force to keep the power running. Every computer switched back on and the power came back. The Doctor's face lit up, despite the fact Boe was now in a critical shape.

"Hame, look after him," the Doctor ordered, jumping up and ran to the leaver again. "Don't you go dying on me you big old face! You've got to see this." Then, he threw the switch. "The open road. Ha!" Seeing a camera and a transmitter, he ran over to that. "Is this where Sally Calypso broadcasted from?"

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