Chapter 27 | The Slow Path of the Lonely Angel

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything that related to Doctor Who, except my own original character. Everything else belongs to the BBC. [Bummer, I know]

A/N: So this chapter a bit short, because I'm a bit tired. But then I shouldn't push myself too hard for anything, and if I did, this chapter would have a ton of mistake and shitty weird dialogue, like 'buzzing in his brain' that can be use as an example. Also, this probably the scene where a lot of people don't exactly like the Doctor because he just left Rose and Mickey, and in this case is Sam. Although, when you think about it, it is his job, and he was in an urgency, so he needs to act quick.

Anyway! I am babbling again, let just enjoy the chapter and forget whatever I said.


The screams grew louder and Sam sprinted his way through the ship towards the source, while it mixed with the Doctor calling his name, above the screams. When he found him, the Doctor was frantically running around the room while flicking, working on various controls and switches, trying something to only resulting nothing at all. His eyes looked wild with anger as he wrecked his hair who made her looked like a mad scientist.

"You found it then?" Sam asked as he got to his side, out of breath.

"Where have you been?" the Doctor demanded, he was fuming in anger.

"What?" he asked.

"They knew I was coming," the Doctor replied grimly. He grabbed another control but nothing happens. "They blocked it off."

Sam looked up at the time window. Aristocrats and courtesans were gathered in one large group with androids surrounding them as they were screaming and panicking, clutching each other for support in the mayhem. Many women were screaming, followed with the men yelling at the robots angrily. Sam could see at least one woman on the ground, probably fainted or worse. However, he couldn't see Reinette anywhere.

"I don't get it," Sam finally said. "How come they got in there if they lock the time window?"

"They teleported. You saw them," the Doctor's short reply. "As long as the ship and the ballroom are linked, their short range teleports will do the trick."

"A bit dumb question, but why can't we just go in the TARDIS?" he asked.

The Doctor shook his head. "Can't use the TARDIS. We're part of events now."

"Right, of course it's never that easy," Sam nodded. "Alright then, can't we just smash through?"

"Hyperplex this side, plate glass the other," the Doctor said impatiently. "We need a truck."

"We don't have a truck."

"I know we don't have a truck!"

Sam was taken aback by the Doctor's explosion, then again he wasn't a stranger of it. Fully looking at him, he noticed that he was fuming and vibrating with furry and frustration. People were about to die, and as far as he could see, there was nothing he could do but watch it happen. It was driving him mad, as if he was relieving a memory. A painful memory of his own experience, where there's nothing he can't do to fix or even make it better.

"Okay then," he said gently. "Let's try something else."

"No," the Doctor shook his head, biting his lip. "Smash the glass, smash the time window. There'd be no way back."

He yanked his sonic out of his pocket, and waved it around in a flurry of moment. With another growl of frustration, he pushed back from the monitor and bumped into Sam. He kept going to another monitor and pointed the screwdriver at it. But nothing he did had any effect on the time window.

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