Chapter 19 | An Old Friend in The Way

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Disclaimer: I ain't own any shit from Doctor Who except my original character.

A/N: Yeah, I do mention on the old chapter I heavily edited those stories because how weird it looks. But if it looks weirder, can you please tell me as I am a bit tired writing this.


Onto the story.


The car jolted around harshly, throwing Sam to the ground.

"Go faster!" Cheen cried over the noise.

"I'm at top speed!" Milo shouted back. He drove the car in a zigzag, narrowly avoiding what appeared to be claws. He frantically pushed the screen trying to get up to the next layer. But it only told them that there was no access. "But this is an emergency!" He yelled into the transmitter. H tried calling the police, but was placed on hold. Another crash jerked the car and they were all thrown to the ground.

Sam tried to get up and see through the windshield to figure out what was after them, but the fog cloaked everything. Hang on, the fog. "I can't see us through the fog," he realized aloud, "So it must be able to hear us somehow." He turned urgently to Milo. "Can you turn the engines off?"

He looked at him in shock. "You've got to be joking."

"They can't see us," Sam repeated. "So they must be following us by sound. Maybe if we're silent, they won't be able to find us. We need to shut off anything that makes sound."

"What if you're wrong?"

Sam felt a rush of uncertainty. He'd been so caught up in his idea that he'd forgotten what he was asking these people do, he didn't think this through enough. There's a sudden what if questions and suggestion, what if something that was after them can still see through the fog, and they could've died quickly, or what if they ran out of air first or whatever was filled this hoover car going. If he was wrong, he was about to get them all killed, until he remembered his last adventure, and he knew it was the only idea or way they had.

"Just try, please."

Shooting him a last doubt frightened glance, Milo turned to the controls and started switching everything off. The car darkened and fell silent, and the banging from outside stopped. They all held their breath for a few moments, hoping that the idea was right.

"They've stopped," Cheen finally breathed.

"Yeah, but they're still out there," Milo reminded her softly.

Cheen turned to Sam. "How did you think of that?"

"I think I might have seen it in a movie once," Sam admitted. He shrugged. "But now, I don't know what to do."

"Well, you better think of something else quick," Milo said, worriedly. "Because we've lost the air-con. If we don't switch the engines back on, we won't be able to breathe."

The boy drew a sharp breath. He hadn't thought about that. "How long have we got?"

Milo looked at the controls with a frown. "Eight minutes. Maximum."


Macra. Of all the monsters in the universe, it should have been Macra. This situation gone from bad to worse, the feeling of fear and worried had become a full blown panic when he thought that Sam was down there with these two kidnappers and there was Macra down there with him. If there was Macra down there, there's only a small chance he actually survived down there. That thought didn't help to ease his feeling, and there was now no hope if he could bring him back alive or even in one piece.

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