Chapter 2

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Georgia's POV:

"Hey kids"

I haven't even turned around and I know who's sitting in our living room. I can tell by how my brothers both tense and look like they are in pain. I can tell because it smells like my childhood, like learning to ride bikes and learning to care for horses. I can tell because even after 4 years I still calm at his voice.

"Hey dad." I speak for all of us. Memphis and Dakota are to busy staring him down to say anything.

"I came to tell you guys some great news. I figured since your mom is out of town now would be the best time..." He drifts off.

"Get to the point." Dakota growls

"You remember when you kids really wanted a little sibling? So we adopted Emily? But you kids didn't want a little sister you wanted a little brother?" He laughs softly, we just stare at him. He must see that we aren't going to say anything because he continues.

"Well you guys have a little brother on the way."

Again no one says anything, but the mood has changed. Memphis and Dakota are about to lose their temper.

"You guys aren't gonna say anything? I thought you would be happy." He looks back and forth between the three of us.

Memphis takes a deep breath to speak but Dakota takes the lead "Why should we be happy? You walked out 4 years ago and let me guess you need some baby stuff for this kid and you don't want to spend your liquor money to go get some."

"He's your little brother I figured you should know."

"He's our step-brother. And when you fuck up with him too, well be there to help him through it. Hell by then we should have some great experience." Memphis says bitterly

The boys storm upstairs leaving me alone with my father.

"Georgia you're happy right? You always seemed to be the one to want the baby brother the most."

I swallow the lump in my throat "I always wanted a little brother that my mom brought home. Not some whore who could be my older sister. Memphis is right, you two are going to mess up being parents and once again we'll step in to fix your mistakes." I walk halfway upstairs and turn back around. It looks like he thinks I've changed my mind but I havent, not even close.

"It's time for you to go, I don't want Emily to get confused." I spin back around and go to my brothers room. They are both sitting on the couch. When they were younger they both were fighting over who would get the top bunk in the room, mom came up with a fix. She and some other ranch workers made two bunk beds but they only have top bunks and underneath is empty.

"Did he leave?" Memphis asks

"I told him too. If he doesn't ill call someone to come get him out."

Memphis nods "we'll see you in the morning."


"Wake up! Your gonna make us late for school." I yell up the stairs while trying to open the damn milk carton. I turn back to Emily who's looking at me patiently.

"How about some orange juice this morning instead of milk?" I ask her

She tilts her head as if she's thinking about it, then she nods. I pour some into her cup.

"Morning." Memphis grunts

He takes the milk out and pops it open easily, pouring himself a cup. I must have loosened it for him.

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