Chapter 3

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Georgia's POV:

"Nice for you kids to finally be on time." The daycare worker who gives us crap everyday says with an overly sweet smile.

"Yeah we figured we should come and save our baby sister from smart assholes like you." Memphis smirks

Dakota slides past the worker to pick up Emily. "Comere kid."

She giggles and holds her arms up to him. We all walk out to the car.

"We need to find a new daycare. I'm tired of that woman." Memphis groans

Dakota laughs and struggles to put the squirming Emily in her car seat. After a few minutes he finally buckles her in. Dakota hops in the bed of the truck, while Memphis drives with Emily in between us.

"Jeez Memphis, you would think with our baby sister in the truck you wouldn't try to toss me out of the back." Dakota complains

Memphis laughs "i could never pass that opportunity up." Dakota shoves him

"Now now boys" I say opening the door

I set Emily on the floor and walk in the kitchen to tell Miss. Carol that we were about to go and start our chores for the day.

"Mkay sweetheart. That Theo boy is around somewhere I think he already started." Miss. Carol says and continues busying around the kitchen.

"Come on Georgia, dinners ready." Memphis comes in my barn a couple hours later.

"Ok ill be right there."

I didn't see Theo at all today, he must not have had any questions. There's a weird feeling in my stomach, almost like a weight was let go and now my stomach is at my knees. I shake it off as being worried about someone new starting at the ranch. We haven't had any new workers since before I was born.


"I have no clue what he was-" I was in the middle of complaining about our first period when Alison's gaze shifts to behind me. I sneakily look over my shoulder and see my brothers, James, Alex, and Theo making their way to our table.

"Are they coming to sit with us again?" Alison whisper yells

"I'm guessing so."

They all drop their lunches on the table and sit down

"Hey Georgie, Hey Ali" Memphis smiles and waves

"Hey Memphis" Alison laughs

We continue to talk about the most random things, from favorite types of food to what color number 3 is.

"It's definitely red" Memphis says

"I just don't see it Memphis, I really think its like blue or purple." Alex says in an equally serious tone. I cover my laugh by taking a drink out of my water.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, can ya'll find the class by yourself?" I look to Theo and James since Alex is still in mid-debate.

"Yeah we got it, thanks" James says


I flush the toilet and walk out of the stall to wash my hands.

"Oh look the towns slut"

Of course, I turn to my right and there's Jenny and her little look a like group. I just stay quiet and continue to wash my hands, knowing if I say anything i'll just make it worse for myself.

"What's the matter sweetie? Cat got your tongue?" Jenny steps closer, and I try to step around her but she grabs my arm.

"What do you want."

"Oh look she does speak" she giggles which allows the other two girls with her to laugh

I roll my eyes, waiting for her to call me the normal stuff she does so i can hopefully get to class on time.

"Can i get around you Jenny? Some of us actually need education for our futures." i sneer and once again try to step around her.

"Oh you think your gonna have a future? Your daddy obviously didn't, must've been why he left and became an alcoholic. He saw how much of a whore his daughter is."

She keeps talking but I block her out, her words already affecting me. When I finally can't stand there any longer I push past her and head for my fourth period.


"Ms. Georgia, please tell me why your late to my class."

"Sorry sir, there was a line at the restroom."

He motions for me to sit down, and continues on about whatever he was talking about. Theo keeps looking at me, trying to get my attention. I just stare straight ahead until class ends, when the bell rings I grab my stuff and pretty much sprint out of that school. When I get to the car Memphis and Dakota immediately know something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" Dakota stops me

"Nothing i'm fine." I throw in a smile just to win him over. It must do the trick because he searches my face for a few more seconds and then lets me go, allowing me to climb into the car.

Usually I would tell the boys everything, but what if they agree with Jenny. I shake my head, not wanting to think about that. Memphis looks at me weird.

"Sorry there was a fly or something."

I finish brushing the last horse down and head home for some dinner.

"Georgia wait up"

I turn around and wait for Theo.

"Hey are you okay? You looked like something was wrong when you came into class, then you wouldnt look at me, did i do something? Because-"

I cut him off "no you didn't say anything, i'm fine."

"Yeah i don't believe that for a second." he twists his mouth to the side and searches my face, much like Dakota did earlier.

"Yes Theo, I am fine" I smile again hoping it'll work for him too.

"Ok I just wanted to make sure, goodnight Georgia."

"Night" i wave continuing up the walk towards the house

It's scary how much a tilt of the lips can hide.

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