Chapter 6

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Georgia's POV:

    My hands are sweating, how am I supposed to tell Theo that I got my black eye because some girls think I'm getting in the way of them dating my brothers, Theo, and Theo's two friends. Theo opens the cafeteria door for me.



We walk over to our table

    "Theo where's your drink?" Memphis asks

I almost facepalm, I totally forgot about the lie that Theo blurted.

    "The machine ran out of the one that he wanted." I take my seat next to Alison and Theo sits across from me.

    "Oh man I hate when that happens, that machine almost never has Mountain Dew." Memphis shakes his head, like this is a huge tragedy.

The bell that signals lunch is over rings, Memphis, Dakota, and Alison all head off to their fourth period and I start to walk to my fourth when Alex calls out to me.   

    "Hey Georgia wait up."

I stop and wait for them while they throw away their garbage.

    "You still don't know the way to your class?" I laugh

    "Nah Theo told me to call you because he wanted to walk to class with you." Alex shrugs

James giggles "yeah he was too scared to yell across the cafeteria though"

    "Shut up, I did not!" Theo says, his face is turning into a light pink.

Alex and James laugh at him blushing.

    "If your not scared yell something" James says

    "What do you want me to yell?"

    "Here, Georgia walk in front of us again." I walk a little faster and get in front of the boys like Alex told me to do. I look back and Theo shakes his head and laughs.

    "Hey Georgia wait up!" He yells

Alex and James lean against the lockers because they are laughing so hard. Theo keeps walking.

    "Sorry they are so annoying." Theo rolls his eyes when he gets up with me again.

    "What are brothers for if they don't embarrass you" I shrug

    "Yeah I guess so" Theo laughs

By the end of class i'm almost sure that Theo forgot about the whole black eye thing, but when has anything ever gone my way?

    "I'll see you at the ranch Georgia" Theo says, when we walk out of class


"Georgia? You in here?"

I jump into the stall I was cleaning, and hide behind the door. Theo is walking down the line of stalls.

    "I saw you jump into the stall Georgia."

I still don't come out, even though I know i'm busted.

    "You made a deal."

I sigh and walk out of the stall. Theo is leaning against one of the barn doors and smiling, but when he sees my face fully he goes serious again.

    "So what happened?"

    "Why do you even care? It's not like were that close or anything." I say, trying to make him think about something other than my black eye.

    "What happened to your eye? And don't try to dodge it this time." He crosses his arms, like he means business.

    "A few girls at school caught me when I was walking down a hallway." I shrug

    "What do you mean by a few girls? How many? And who were they?"

    "Uh there were three girls."

    "Why did they hit you?"

I stay quiet, hoping he'll let me get away with not telling him. I look at him when he stays quiet, and get lost into his eyes, trying to figure out what he's thinking. They seem a darker shade then their normally light sky blue color, and he's staring intensely at me, waiting for an answer.

    "They..they uh hit me because they have a crush on you guys." I look at the ground, getting intimidated by his eyes.

    "Who do you mean by you guys?"

    "Memphis, Dakota, James, Alex, and uh you." I bite my lower lip, to stop from rambling on about how they do it all the time, because that would just make him feel even more sorry for me.

    "What did they say to you?"

I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ears trying to remember.

    "Uh, well they call me a whore, slut, worthless, and say some stuff about my dad. But thats on the bad days" I look back up, expecting to see pity in his eyes, instead he looks apologetic.

    "It's not your fault Theo. At least they're not dumb" I force a laugh trying to lighten the mood


    "Their not dumb, they know their facts." My attempt at lightning the conversation doesn't work because Theo becomes even more mad than before. I take a step back scared of the look on his face. He grabs my arm, keeping me from running away.

    "Never put yourself down Georgia, your-" Theo is cut off by Memphis and Dakota walking into the barn. Both of their eyes shoot to where Theo is holding me, and it's like someone flipped a switch because both of them clench their fists, and squint their eyes. A sure sign of how angry they are.

    "What the hell do you think your doing?" Memphis flings Theo off of me and he slams into the other stall, Dakota is immediately there holding him against the wall. I want to move, I want to say that he didn't do anything wrong, but i'm frozen in place. Theo looks around Dakota to look at me, his eyes immediately locking with mine. I can still see the rage swirling in them.

    "I was helping your sister...what was her excuse to y'all about that shiner of hers?"

Memphis and Dakota both look over their shoulders at me.

    "She said she ran into a wall.."

Theo laughs, not his happy laugh that makes me feel like I won an award, but a mean laugh that i didn't even know was hidden inside him.

    "That's what she told me, I figured some kid accidentally hit her and I was gonna take care of it, but after some digging she said some girls at school did it to her, said it wasn't the first time it happened and that they call her names like whore, slut, and worthless. Then she agreed with them. That's when you came in". Theo doesnt look away from me the whole time he says the secret I trusted him with, the secret he told me I could trust him with.

    "When were you gonna tell us Georgia? We could have dealt with it." Memphis asks.

I finally snap out of my daze, and i'm able to move and speak.

    "You said you wouldn't tell anyone, the first chance you get to tell someone you blab. You said I could trust you Theo." I look at him hoping i'm not showing all the emotions that are flying around my body.

    "I can't believe..." I shake my head not finishing my sentence. Theo opens his mouth to defend himself but I cut him off with my hand.

    "Don't." I train my focus on Memphis and Dakota instead.

    "Telling would have made it worse." before anyone can say anything I turn and stalk off, I have no clue where i'm going, i'm just going.

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