Chapter 29

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Georgia's POV:

The guy finally looks scared.

"Take it this way buddy, I had no issue doing it to your boss".

"Ok ok, he looking for ya. Been looking since you left. Reckons you sell good".

Theo looks at Alex and James, they have some sort of conversation with their eyes. Without any conversation Alex and James both step up grabbing the guy and quickly hauling him outside. While i'm watching the boys haul the man outside Theo turns to face me, cupping my face in his hands.

"Are you ok?" His eyes dart all around my face, when he's satisfied that nothing happened to me he pulls me into a hug.

"Theo? What's going on?" My voice comes out muffled because my face is pressed into his shoulder.

"Baby I promise I will explain it all okay? But as you can see, I have some things I need to handle, and I need to take care of it so you don't get dragged into it with me. I promise I will be back soon, watch Violet for me?" Theo rushes. He nervously tries to look out the window to make sure Alex and James are alright. When Theo looks back at me i nod. He moves to kiss me but Memphis makes a noise.

"Hell no".

"Come on Memphis, I may not come back".

"Not funny, your annoying ass will be back by the end of the week". Memphis rolls his eyes, but still smiles. Theo smiles slightly and instead places a light kiss to my forehead instead and when he thinks Memphis isn't looking he presses his lips to mine quickly.

"Theo, if you come back alive imma kill you". Memphis growls, Theo laughs and hits the safety on the gun again, shoving it into the back of his pants. He throws one more smile to me and runs outside to meet up with Alex and James. I can't stop the tears from rolling out of my eyes, I feel my feet slipping out from under my feet.

"Shit, shit, Dakota? Dude, emergency at the office...please just come, its Georgia". Memphis yells into his phone. I feel arms wrap around me trying to pick me up off the ground

"Georgie it'll be fine? Ok? You hear me Georgia? Everything is gonna be fine". Memphis whispers, pulling me up from where I had slid onto the floor.

"He'll be back".

Theo's POV:

"Theo! Help us tie this asshole up, he won't stop wiggling". Alex calls right when I walk out from the office. I hurry around the van that the guy must have come in and help James hold the guy down so Alex can tie him up. When he's finished, it takes all three of us to get the fattie into the back of the van.

"Alright, where is my dear uncle hiding these days?"

"Fuck off". The man spits out.

"That aint very nice mister". Alex grins sadistically.

"James head to the old house, I don't the police will still be hanging around. Plus, this is gonna be a quick visit". I smile at the guy from the rearview mirror, loving how he immediately turns paler. When we get to the old run down house, we crowd around the outside of the car.

"You can't kill him Theo...You gotta keep your anger in check. Without him we'll never find your uncle". James glances into the car at the guy still tied up in the back.

"We don't need to. This guy is weak, I can just tell. All he needs is a little push".

"I'll set up". Alex nods and jogs into the house.

I really hope no one is looking through the windows. I laugh, remembering when I thought that the night Georgia went missing.

"Theo a little help here?" James calls.

We both pull the guy out and quietly drag him inside. In the few minutes we left Alex alone, he has already found a chair and set it up, and he cleared a big space around the guy. Giving us plenty of room. We tie him up to the chair and step back, admiring our handy work.

"Imma ask again buddy boy, where is he?"

I almost jump in joy when the guy opens his mouth, but instead of talking he spits right in my face. I freeze for a minute, trying to remember James telling me to keep my anger under control...yeah fuck that. I draw back from the guy in disgust.

"Ah man, now you really fucked up dude". James shakes his head and I hear Alex laughing.

"You should not have done that". I drawl, wiping his spit off my face with a towel Alex tosses me. When the guy doesn't expect me, I spin back around and grab his neck, choking him. My other hand curls into a fist and connects with his jaw. Oh how I have missed that sound.

Georgia's POV:

It's been two days. Memphis, Dakota and Alison have been all over me, for these two days. But they all went to school today. I played sick.

"Georgie? I miss Teo and Jamie and Al". Violet looks at me expectantly.

"Me too Violet. I want Teo too". I sigh and look out the window into the field. I haven't actually left the house since that night. Memphis and Dakota have taken over my barn and Theos barn.

"Georgia?" Memphis calls from downstairs. I hear Dakota and probably Alison coming upstairs towards my room. Violet hops off the bed and opens the door for them.

"Hey V, has Georgie gotten out of bed today?" Dakota looks at me worriedly, Alison on his arm. They really are adorable together, I think about the double date we were gonna go on, which makes me start crying again. Memphis and Dakota start to come towards me but Alison stops them.

"Leave". The boys look at me and then to Alison, but follow orders. When the boys take Violet with them, Ali pulls me into a hug.

"He will be back. Trust me, that boy loves you too much to die and never see you again". Alison rocks me until I cry myself to sleep, I wake up slightly a few hours later when she sneaks out of my room.

"Are you sure you wanna come back today?" Memphis eyes me wearily, as I look into my backpack making sure everything is still in there.

"Memphis, you act like Theo died, he's just..." I pause and look at Violet.

"On vacation". I finish.

Violet is still to young to understand what the boys are doing and why they have to do it.

"Yeah...your right".

When Memphis and Dakota pull into the parking lot, I leave them all and head to first period. In the hall everyone looks at me, probably wondering where Theo went. I pull all emotion out of my face and continue walking.

"Hey Georgia". Jenny calls from behind me. 

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