Chapter 14

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Theo's POV:

    "I'm pretty sure I can be".

I sag with relief

    "Jeez Georgia you scared me". When I get close enough to her she looks up at me and grimaces.


    "Theo i'm so sorry if I overstepped today...It's just, I've always loved christmas and I know that this is most likely one of Violet's first christmases, so I went sorta crazy-". I pull Georgia into a hug, to stop her from rambling even more.

    "You didn't overstep, you have no idea how thankful I am".

She pulls back to look up at me, confusion is written clear in her eyes.

    "You just stared at me with your mouth open, when I came with all the stuff".

I laugh, imagining myself as a fish.

    "I was amazed at what you did! Georgia, it's not normal for a girl to go and do all that for a little girl and her dysfunctional family".

She smiles and looks at the barn floor

    "Trust me I wanted to say something, but the boys were there". I rub the back of my neck

    "Yeah they would definitely pick on you". Georgia laughs

We sit in silence, not really knowing what else to say

    "Wanna go to the pond thing?" I blurt

She looks out into the darkness. I mentally slap myself on the back of the head.

    "Oh I totally forgot, we don't have-"

    "Nah it's fine, let's take the horses".

    "Georgia are you sure? We really don't have to".

    "Theo. I'm positively fine. Now let's go".

She grabs Autumn, while I dart down to one of the last stalls where Victory is.

    "You've taken a liking to him".

I shrug and climb up onto the horse.

Georgia's POV:

    The water is beautiful, but it's probably really cold. I hop off Autumn and let her wander with Victory.

    "I swear, everytime I come out here it gets prettier and prettier". Theo looks all around the little clearing in the woods. I don't know what to say to that, I just nod and sit down on the end of the dock, letting my feet dangle off.

    "You can see the stars really well from here". I lay back on the dock to look up.

I point out the only ones I know, the Big Dipper, Aries, and of course the Little Dipper. I like to trace the stars in my mind to figure out how they look. I get lost in the stars. There's movement to my left, I look over and see Theo. He's not looking at the stars, instead he's looking at me.

    "Theo, the stars are up there". I laugh, willing my red face to calm down and go back to it's normal color.

    "You know, when your naming off constellations your eyes get brighter, and your whole face lights up...kinda like a star". He still hasn't taken his eyes off me. I can feel the heat radiating off my cheeks. He must notice them too, because he chuckles. I try to cool them by putting my hands on them.


I shift my gaze to him and immediately get lost in his eyes, bright blue, with little flecks of a darker blue.    



    "Can I-". He pauses and clenches his jaw

    "Can I..kiss you?"

I'm sure my mouth drops open, almost positive.


I barely have the word out of my mouth when he gently presses on my neck, slowly dragging me into him. He's still giving me a way out if I want one, I sure as hell do not. I close my eyes, because that's what your supposed to do right?

I don't have time to check because Theo's lips melt into mine. I've read kissing scenes in books, plenty of them, but nothing could prepare me for the volts of electricity that shoot all over my body. Starting from my lips and shooting to my toes. Theo slips his arm around my waist and pulls me tighter against him, making sure there is no room in between us. His hands lay to rest on my hips, drawing small patterns into my jeans.

Should I move my hands? They are just laying at my side. Maybe I could just rest them on his shoulders? I do that, but it's like they have a mind of their own, they drift up his neck and tangle themselves into his curly blonde hair. We both pull back, it's quiet between us, not a weird quiet though. We're so close I can feel his chest rising and falling heavily.

"That was, first kiss". I look down at my hands, embarrassed.

"Really?". Theo grins

I start to get up.

"You don't have to make fun-"

Theo laughs and pulls me back to him.

"I'm not making fun of ya, i'm just glad it was me".

    "That was fact this whole thing was cheesy". I smile

His arms tighten around me.

     "It was bad?"

    "God no, it just seems like something i've read in a book".

    "I can see it". He laughs

I look at the time on my phone which reads 11:00

    "We should probably start heading back".

Theo nods and stands up, then he holds out a hand to help me up. We grab the horses and get back on them.    

    "We should probably keep this from Memphis and Dakota".

Theo stops

    "What? Why? I can't do that".

    "Why not?" I frown

Theo sighs.

    "It's a respect thing. If a boy dates Violet, he better grow some balls and tell me".

    "Theo please don't tell them! They'll get super overprotective and weird".

He stays silent for a minute.

    "If I don't tell them, then I'll lose their respect...that'll make it harder for me to gain it back when we do tell them about us...and they've done so much for me and my family". He rubs his eyes, thinking aloud.

    "You can not tell them. Just think of when we weren't doing anything! They shoved you on the wall for helping me! Trust me, they'll freak out!".

    "I wont tell em. But nothing else will happen between us...not until they know". He looks at me, trying to get my reaction. I look away.

I head back to the house on Autumn, he calls a few times but gives up once I get going out on the field. The wind feels great whipping through my hair, I hang onto Autumn and let her take us home.

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