Chapter 20

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Theo's POV:

The third movie is no better than the second one, it could even be worse. After about an hour into it, Georgia starts to drift off to sleep. By the time the movie is over Georgia is knocked out, in a sitting position. Should I move her? If she sleeps all night like that, she'll have a crick in her neck. But what if I try to move her and she wakes up? I would sound like a weirdo for trying to move her, to prevent cricks. I laugh under my breath imagining that conversation. Instead of moving her, I sit back down. I close my eyes and try to think of anything but sleeping.

My eyes pop open. The grey walls of the guest barn have been replaced with old and broken bricks. Instead of laying on the couch with a beautiful girl next to me, i'm lying on the cold hard ground with two other smelly boys.

"Today's the day boys". James nudges me with his foot.

Alex is already by the door, listening for footsteps.

"Theo, when the guy comes in here, Alex is gonna distract him. Then your gonna take the bat they always got and bash him on the head. Then we home free boys". James smiles. I must nod, because he walks away.

"Remember just knock him out Theo". James eyes me.

"He comin". Alex whispers.

Alex stands in the middle of the room, James and I hide in a dark corner. The door slams open, missing us by mere centimeters.

"You thought you could sleep in boy?" The man yells at Alex and shoves him against the wall. Something shines on his belt, a gun. James looks at me, wide eyed. Before we realize what's happening, Alex is screaming.

"Please, no!"

He's got a knife coming deadly close to Alex's neck, James grabs my arm, but it's too late. I slame the guy into the wall, his gun and knife fly into the air. When the gun lands into my hand, I aim at the figure on the floor, and shoot. We don't look back when we run out of the room.

"We did it, holy shit we did it".

"What's that noise?"

"Sounds like a little girl-"

"Theo? Theo wake up!"

This time when I open my eyes, the grey walls are back, and so is the girl.

"What's wrong?" I look around, Georgia looks freaked out, which makes me wake up instantly.

"You were shaking, and sweating, and you kept repeating something.."

"What did I say?"

"You kept saying Alex, and James's name".

"Anything else?" I try to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"We did it. You kept saying we did it".

"Wow must have been a weird dream". I try to laugh, technically i'm not lying. To most people that dream would freak them the fuck out, hell, it still freaks me out and I lived through it.

"Come on Theo. I know as good as you do that was not some weird dream". She moves farther away from me and crosses her legs on the couch.

"Uh...i mean". I stutter and try to look anywhere but Georgia, I know if I look at her I'll tell her the whole story.

"Look at me". Reluctantly I look up from the couch, and she is staring me down.

"Ok was just a dream from when I was back at the house..."

"The place where they raised you to be a slave?"

"Well, that's a blunt way to put it". I smile

"Sorry". She blushes, losing the controlling attitude she had adopted a minute ago.

"It's all good".

"So what happened?"

I sigh, I was hoping she had forgotten about the whole dream thing.

"Well um, I dreamed that I was back in the old was the night we escaped. We were getting ready to put the plan into action...James and I were hiding, Alex was bait. The guy comes into the room...I was supposed to jump him and take the bat that he normally has...but he didn't have a bat. So I looked to James to figure out what to do, Alex started screaming bloody murder. The guy didn't have a bat, instead he brought a knife and he had it against Alex's throat". I pause and look away from Georgia. It's hard to see someone who might as well be your brother, that close to being killed. Georgia places her hand on mine and I continue.

"James tried to stop me, but he couldn't, I had already lost control. I tackled the guy and I.." I stop. What if I scare her? If she finds out I killed the guy she'll definitely freak out.

"And I uh knocked him out...then we ran". I finish.

Georgia's POV:

His eyes were glazed over the whole time he told his story, when he finished he was still out of it. Before I over think it, I grab Theo and pull him into a hug. He seems surprised at first but he recovers and wraps his arms around me. I must sniffle or make some weird crying noise because Theo pulls back and looks at me worriedly.

"Aw Georgia, don't cry. I'm fine look at me, I promise i'm fine". He smiles at me.

"Thanks for telling me".

He pulls me back into him, not speaking. We stay like that for a moment, then I start giggling uncontrollably.

"Crying to laughing that fast...are you sure your not insane?" Theo eyes me. I slap his arm playfully.

"I'm positive. It's just, i'm supposed to be the one comforting you, yet like always, its the other way around". Theo laughs at me and shrugs.

"I'll always try to make it better".

My eyes fall to his lips, and my mind replays the one and only memory of those lips. On the dock, with the stars above us, and Theo's-. I shake my head, getting rid of the thoughts that have raided my brain. My face has become ten times hotter, I look out of the corner of my eye at Theo to see if he noticed. He's smirking at me. I sigh and look away, he definitely knows.

"So do your brothers hate me?"

"Nah, their just overprotective". I smile, and try to stand up, but Theo pulls me back. I feel like we are closer than we were, but It's probably just my imagination.

"You remember the night we kissed right?" 

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