Chapter 18

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Theo's POV:

On my way out, Georgia grabs my arm.

"Theo wanted to tell you, I told him not too. Without you guys knowing, he said he would do anything else". Georgia blurts.

"Gross". Memphis makes a face.

"What if we don't approve". Dakota asks

"I never said anything about y'all approving, just said you had to know". I shrug.

Everyone is silent, i'm pretty sure that Dakota and Memphis are planning a way to get Georgia out of the way so they can beat the shit out of me. Instead the opposite happens, they start laughing.

"Eh, you go my vote".

"Guess you've got mine too".

I look at Georgia who looks as confused as I am.

"You guys are fine with it?". Georgia looks between them both.


"I'm scared".

They laugh at me.

"He fought for you". Dakota shrugs

"Hell he's fought for you literally". Memphis laughs

Georgia is still shocked.

"Great now that everything is settled you can all go to sleep and shut the hell up". Their mom yells from somewhere upstairs. I say my goodbyes and head back to the guest barn.

Georgia's POV:

I barge into the boys room with Emily on my hip.

"Wakey wakey".

Without even looking Memphis throws a pillow at me and Emily.

"Chill! I'm carrying Emily".

Memphis pops his head up.

"Did I hit her?" He asks groggily

"No but..."

He plops his head back onto his pillow.

"Come on wake up".

"Get out".

"Lets go, or i'll set a wild Emily on y'all".

Once Memphis and Dakota are finally dragged out of bed by mom, we start the gift giving process. I'm still wearing the necklace that Theo made for me, I haven't taken it off since last night..or early this morning, I guess.

"Here Georgie, this is yours". Memphis hands me a cardboard box. On the front the boys wrote their names, and some stick figures which I'm guessing is them. Inside the box is a framed picture of Autumn, that I had taken about a year ago. She's standing in the fields and behind her the boys are racing on Boots and Challenger.

"I love it!"

They smile happily, every year they usually try to beat eachother, but I guess this year they teamed together.

"Alright, this is technically from all of us, but mostly me". My mom hands me a heavy box, that actually has wrapping paper. I peel the wrapping paper off and see the cannon logo.

"Your kidding".

I look from everyone. I rip the package open and pull out a camera.

"This is mine?"

"That is yours".

It's so shiny and new, turing it on, I snap a picture of Memphis and Dakota, who make silly poses. Emily got some toys, I got Memphis and Dakota some new boots that they have been wanting. Mom got Memphis and Dakota a gift card to the auto store so they could get stuff for their truck. Right when mom says that we can go do our chores, I grab the camera and race out to my barn.

Theo's POV:

We've never had a christmas. Therefore, we don't really know how christmas works. Last night, Alex, James, and I ran to Walmart and grabbed some toys that we thought Violet might like. We wrapped the toys in newspaper and called it a day, putting them under the tree and going to bed. The next morning Violet woke up and screamed, causing all three of us to run out of the room.

"Someone came into the house and put all this newspaper in here!" She says walking around the tree.

"No V, Santa came and he brought you gifts". James rubs his eyes.


We nod and fall onto the couch.

"Can I open them?"


She tears into the boxes, oohing and ahhing at the new things.

"Look at this Teo! A barbie horse set, I can take care of the horse just like you".

I laugh

"You sure can".

When she opens the gifts, we send her to hang out with Ms. Carol and then I go to head and take care of my barn. I'm pretty sure Memphis, Dakota, and Georgia did theirs earlier this morning.

On the way to my barn I notice a bunch of cars parked out in the driveway of the main house. I almost walk past, but my curiosity gets the best of me and I quickly turn to walk up the path leading to the porch. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. An older guy opens the door.

"Uh, who are you?" the kid looks me up and down.

"I could ask you the same thing".

Georgia pops up behind the guy and smiles.

"Theo! I was gonna stop by later to ask you something. This is one of my older brothers Noah". She takes my hand and pulls me inside.

"Ah so your Theo, my bad". Noah smiles then walks into another room.

Georgia leads me the opposite direction into the living room. Her dad is sitting there on the couch like he belongs. I freeze, pulling Georgia back because of how fast I stopped.

"Its okay, Theo. He's not drunk". She slightly smiles and squeezes my hand.

Her dad stands up and tries to take my hand, I ignore it.

"Nice to meet you Theo, i'm Georgia's dad, Tim".

I don't respond, instead I just nod and look back to Georgia.

"I have to go and start on my barns, wanted to stop by and wish your brothers and you a Merry Christmas".

"Which brothers? She's got five of them ya know". Tim cuts in, trying to get my attention again. She has a fifth brother? I knew about the other two Noah and Liam, their mom told me when I first started here. I shoot a look at Tim, that makes him shut up and sit back onto the couch.

"Their in the back with Jax".

She leads me out back by my hand, which she has not let go of yet, to their backyard.

"Whos Jax". I stop her before we step out their backdoor.

"My new half brother".

I let out the breath I had been holding. I mentally yell at myself for becoming possesive.

"Anyways I was gonna stop by later and ask you if I could crash at the guest house". She pulls her bottom lip into her mouth, my eyes follow every move. She must think I am going to say no, because she starts rambling.

"My brothers, my dad, and stepmom, are all staying here tonight, so i don't know where I would be sleeping. Memphis and Dakota are staying at their friends house-".

"Course you can. I don't know who all will be home tonight, but me and you could watch a movie or something". I smile.

"Okay, cool. Thanks". Georgia grins and opens the back door.

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