Chapter 31

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Theo's POV:

"I can not believe I am doing this"

"Believe it".

I am about to simply walk into my uncle's house.

"Remember scream if you need us. We'll be right outside".

I nod. I have to scream if something bad happens, what if they don't hear me? What if I don't have time to scream.

"If you hear gunshots stay out here and wait". I whisper

"Got it boss". Alex smiles.

"Go get em tiger". James nods towards the house.

I jog around the outside of the house to the front door, trying to stay light on my feet. Maybe there's no one inside, but if there is I do not want them to know im here...yet. When I get to the door, georgia pops into my mind. She must be so scared right now...maybe she can't sleep. If I die somehow..I'll never get to hold her again, kiss her, see her smiles, hear her beautiful voice. I shake my head, i'm about to turn around and go back to the car but I remember why im doing this. Before I can change my mind I swing the door open.

"Guess whos back bitches!"

James POV:

"Call them hurry up!" Alex yells at me.

"Calm down and shut up!" i whisper putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello? Yes, my friend has been kidnapped, they've been following us for some time and now he is gone". The woman on the phone asks where we are and I read off the address that the man told us earlier.

"Ok Imma need you kids to stay on the line"


We all sit in silence, until we hear Theo's scream.

"Shit". Alex and I jump out of the car, leaving the phone in the seat. I start to just run for the house, but Alex stops me.

"Let's not be stupid about this. We get killed who knows what happens to Theo". I nod and agree. We sneak around the back of the house, the way we saw Theo do only a few moments earlier.

"This feels way to easy". Alex stops me again.

"Alex, he would not have screamed for nothing".

He nods and leads the way into the house. There's footsteps and muffled voices from upstairs. Alex motions for me to stay low and quiet as we tip toe upstairs.

"Why are you doing this to them? What did these poor kids ever do to you?" Theo yells at someone in the room on the far left of the hallway.

"Shut up boy". A deep voice yells, is that his uncle?

Alex and I both peek our head into the room, Theo's uncle has a gun trained to Theos head. There are easily four more armed men around them in the small bedroom or whatever this is. Theo tries to get up from the ground, and he sees us. He quickly looks away, so we don't get caught.

"Now boy. You killed one of my best workers. I don't know if I should kill you myself or sell you and have someone else pay to kill you".

"You should sell me again. That worked out great last time". Theo chuckles weakly. His uncle kicks him in the gut, causing Theo to sprawl back onto the ground. Alex and I start to step in but Theo motions for us to stay. The uncle cocks his gun but before he can aim it back at Theo there's shouting and doors shutting outside.

"Police! Come out with your hands up!"

"Your surrounded!"

No one moves in the room, everyone has frozen.

"Their up here! Please hurry! He's not moving!" Alex yells down the stairs. He turns and smiles at the uncle, who seems shocked that we are there.

"Hey uncle! Nice to see you again".

I laugh, entering the room. I shove the uncle to the side while picking Theo up off the ground. He is pretty beat up, looks like most of his face might be bruised tomorrow.

"We're going home T".

Theo's POV:

We all watch as the police haul guy after guy out of the house and into the multiple police cars that have pulled up since I walked into the house a few hours before. When the police found us in the room, I showed them the ten beaten and malnourished children I stumbled upon when I was looking for them. Before I left I told them I would be back to help, three little boys blocked all the younger kids, making me think of Alex, James, and I.

"They won't be out for awhile, if ever. We'll take care of these kids, they will all be put into better homes". The main police officer walks up to us, breaking me out of my head.

"Thanks". I smile at the man.

"We need you and your buddies to come down to the police station". The cop looks between the three of us and focuses back on me. Alex and James both still next to me, waiting to hear what i'm gonna say.

"Yessir". I motion for them to follow me to the guys car.

I can't believe it's finally happening. The world will finally know what has happened to all of us, what fucked us up from the begginning. I can tell Alex and James feel the same way, ever since we were sat down in the waiting room at the station, they have both been quiet, only speaking when spoken too.

"Do you two wanna do this?" I look at my hands, folding and unfolding.

"Hell yea, this will get those guys life". Alex's leg starts bouncing.

"But what if it doesn't? What if it all comes back to bite us in the ass?" James speaks what we have all been worrying about since I told the police officer we would tell our stories to the news crew that showed up.

"Then I guess we deal with it then? If we don't try, they get out and try to kill us. If we do this...they have a chance at never seeing daylight again". Alex shrugs, and his leg stills. James nods, seeming to agree. A woman comes and leads us to a room with a table and four chairs, in the corner the news crew is set up, cameras following us in.

"Alright boys, spill it".

I take one last look at James and Alex, both are waiting for me to take the lead, then I take a deep breath and start from the beginning. 

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