Chapter 15

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Theo's POV:

    It's been two days since I kissed Georgia. Two days since I've even seen or talked to Georgia. Ever since that night it's like we made an agreement to avoid each other like the plague.

    "Hey new students. Meet at the office". Memphis walks in and walks right back out.

I finish up with the horse and make sure he is locked in the pasture, then I start heading over to the office.

    "Hey Theo".

I look around in the office.

    "Oh hey...uh Jenny? Right?"

    "Yep that's me!" She says in a high pitched squeal, her friend next to her tries to smile at Memphis but he seems to not notice. I lean against the desk and wait for what to do next. Memphis and Dakota are standing next to Jesse and Faith, the other two trainers at the ranch. Next to them are two smaller looking kids, they look nervous.

    "Sorry i'm-". Georgia is cut short when she makes eye contact with Jenny.

    "Hey Georgia". Jenny smiles

    "Um h-hey Jenny". Georgia pales from her normally always tan skin, and stands in between Memphis and Dakota. I try to make eye contact with her to see what's wrong but just like the past two days, she won't look at me.

    "Alright, everyone's here". Dakota claps his hands together and looks around at the four new students.

    "These are the 6 trainers that we have at the ranch". Memphis says.

    "To get the correct trainer for y'all we need to ask some questions first. Please answer truthfully, because on the first day we will be able to tell". Dakota looks right at Jenny and her friend when he says this.

    "Has anyone had any previous training?" Memphis reads off a paper.

The two youngest kids raise their hands and Jenny and her friend look at each other with their hands down. Dakota crouches down, so he's more the kids height.

    "Y'all wanna race or you just wanna ride a horse?"

    "I wanna race". The little girl grins

Dakota smiles and looks over his shoulder to Georgia, who's also smiling at the little girl. The boy seems to not know which he wants to do.

    "Come on! Train with me, it'll be fun. We can be the bestest of friends". The little girl shoots him another grin. The boy thinks for a minute, then says he wants to race. Dakota nods and stands up. Memphis and him talk quietly for a minute.

    "Alright, Georgia and Theo will have the two youngins. I think y'all could make them great".

    "Jenny and Melanie, was it?" You two will be in the beginners classes with Faith, than once she sees you guys are improving you'll move up to Jesse's classes". Memphis finishes, throwing the clipboard on the desk next to me.

    "But can't we go with you or Dakota? Or maybe even Theo?" Jenny frowns.

Dakota hides his laugh with a cough

    "Since we are still young, we can only take on experienced riders. Insurance thing". He finishes with a shrug and motions for Memphis to follow him outside. Everyone is still for a minute, but Georgia walks to the kids and points outside, so I follow.

    "So what are we doing?" I ask Georgia

    "We're gonna learn more about them, let them pick their horse. That type of stuff".

I nod and let her lead since I've never done this.

    "I'm Georgia and that's Theo". She points at me

    "I'm Jasmine and that's Max". The girl shoves a finger back towards the boy.

    "Oh you two already know each other?" I ask

    "It's complicated". The girl rolls her eyes and keeps walking. I shoot a look to Georgia who's trying really hard to hold in a laugh.

    "Max what did you do to that girl?" I whisper

    "I have no clue. We go to the same school, but we've never talked before".

I can't hold in my laugh

    "It's okay buddy, they'll only get crazier as they age".

He looks terrified, which makes me laugh harder.

The two kids picked their horses. Max chose Baymax, while Jasmine chose Bolt. We set a schedule to start training every Tuesday and Thursday after Christmas. When we walk to kids up to the office so they can get picked up, I try to catch Georgia, but she's already gone.

Georgia's POV:

    ALERT, ALERT! BULLIES HAVE INVADED HOME TURF! My mind has been screaming this since I walked into the office and saw Jenny standing there, like she already belonged. I knew Theo wanted to talk to me but for one, I really didn't want Jenny to catch me, and two, I have no clue what I would say to Theo. I almost walk right past my barn, but turn right around and decide to take Autumn out for a quick ride.

    "Hey Autumn"

    "Hey Georgia"

I whip around to the voice. Jenny is standing two stalls down from me, with an evil smirk.

    "Uh, hey Jenny...You can't be here, the ranch is closed".

She laughs.

    "Trust me I want to leave this place as fast as possible, I just thought you should know the new rumors going around about you".

She starts to step towards me but Autumn throws her head back and Jenny jumps away from her.

    "Stupid animals". She hisses at Autumn

    "She's way smarter than you'll ever be". I sneer, finally losing my cool, and doing what all the counselors tell the bullied not to do, fight back.

    "Oh wow, nice comeback sweetie. I'll let it slide, I mean it must be hard knowing no one will ever love you". She rolls her eyes and looks at her nails.

    "Excuse me?"

    "Isn't it obvious? Since your own father can't bring himself to love you, how can anyone else?" She looks at her phone.

    "Thank god, my ride is here. I am never coming back to this smelly farm".

Usually I would correct people, saying its not a farm, it is in fact a ranch. But Jenny messes up my head, it's like she climbs inside and just has a temper tantrum. Messing up all the thoughts and important things. I slide onto the floor and rest my head on my knees. Who knew that Jenny would actually say something, that I have thought for years.

    "Georgia? Are you alright?"

    "Leave me alone Theo".

    "Look Georgia, i'm really sorry for kiss-"

    "Leave Theo".

He hesitates for a moment but lets out a puff of air and leaves.

I can't sleep. Sometimes when I can't sleep, fresh air helps. I go and sit on the back porch, it's cold, but i'm numb. The backyard holds so many memories of my family before everything fell apart. Usually I would block them all out, but maybe they'll show me that my father really does care about me. I close my eyes.

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