Chapter 26

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Georgia's POV:

"Kids? Can you come in here for a sec?" Mom calls us from the bottom of the stairs. It's been a few days since Jax's mother was found dead, ever since that night, mom has been crazy busy. Everytime I see her, she's either on the phone with someone or heading out to god only knows where.

"Jax is officially ours". She announces proudly when we all sit in the living room.

"What? That quick? How?" Memphis blurts.

"Well, that night I called my lawyer friend, he told me I could have y'alls father sign some custody papers he wrote up. I planned a meet with your father at the jail, he didn't even know she was dead..." Mom drifts off, deep in thought. After a second she shakes her head and continues.

"I told him that this was best for Jax, since he had nobody to watch him. Your dad agreed with me and signed the custody papers, but an agreement I made was if he gets help, and I notice a change...I would allow him back into Jaxs life". Mom finishes, looking at us expectantly.

"Dang Ma, you should've been a lawyer". Memphis smiles, mom laughs at him and shakes her head.

"I think I am gonna have Jax stay in Noah's old room".

"Wait...where are Noah and Liam staying? Are they just at their house all alone?"

"They had moved out of the house already, they own their own apartment closer to the college. Noah said he couldn't stand the wife, so he moved out and took Liam with him". Mom smiles proudly at her two oldest succeeding in life by themselves.

"They grow up so fast, I remember when they were both were crying because Georgia beat them at horse races". Memphis cackles, and mom swats him on the back of the head.

"Says the boy who cried when Dakota beat him at an apple eating contest". Everyone but Memphis bursts into laughter.

"Whatever I so should have won that contest.." Memphis walks away mumbling, causing us to laugh harder.

"We should hang out today, like a girls day out". Alison sighs through my phone.

"That would be fun! What time?"

"Wait you can actually do it!" Alison squeals.

"I'll be at your house in 10!" She yells and then hangs up the phone. I laugh and roll off my bed, changing into my usual jeans and t-shirt. When im tying my hair up I hear the downstair door open.

"Im home!" Alison yells.

"Go away!" Memphis calls from the room next to mine.

"I missed you too Memphis!" Alison laughs.

I walk downstairs and Alison is already dragging me outside and to my car.

"Wait, Ali I need keys!"

"Already got them, now let's leave before you get sucked into chores or something". She tosses me the keys and climbs into the passenger seat.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Ooo lets go shopping!"

"Where?" Own town isn't tiny, it has a few big clothing spots, but the next town over has a huge mall and its only about a half hour drive.

"The mall duh". She playfully rolls her eyes at me, and reaches to hook her phone up to the speakers.

"What should we listen to Georgie? Country or pop?"

"I don't care, both are fine to me".

"You are no help". She scrolls through her never ending music list and taps one. The start of Always and Forever come on. She must me in a country mood.

"Lets turn off the lights! Let's tear down the stage, I know it all just goes away, and if it does, baby, I won't lose no sleep. All that I want, all that I need is just to know youll be at the center of my world. Always and forever my girl!" Alison sings or in better words screams the song in her pretend mic, which happens to be a pen. When she finishes "singing" she looks to me and laughs.

"Never go into the singing biz Ali...". I laugh as she shoves me.

"Keep doin that and we're taking this show off road". I yell as I pull the car back into the right lane.

"Finally we're here, that was the longest half an hour of my life!" I yell as I hop from the driver's seat.

"Because you drive like a grandma".

"Or your terrible singing".

Ali sticks her tongue out at me and heads inside the mall.

"Where should we go first?"

"I'm starving, let's go grab some food". I lead Alison away from the stores and in line to the food court.

"We should get pizza, I have been craving some pizza". She runs over to the stand. When the guys hands us our pizza, we eat outside since it's not to cold anymore.

"I have to tell you something...."

Her worried tone causes me to look up from all the doodles on our table.

"What's wrong?"

"Please don't be mad?"

Nothing good ever comes from that statement.

"Please tell me your not pregnant". Alison recoils.

"Hell no! Jesus Georgia".

"Oh thank god". I slump in relief and take another bite out of my pizza.

"What is it then?" I ask when she still hasn't said anything else.

"Um on New Years...Dakota told me he liked me..."

"Really? He finally grew the balls and told you!".

Alison looks at me and she doesn't look as worried as she was before.

"Well what did you say?".

"I told him I liked him back". She shyly smiles. I never thought I would see the day where a girl smiled like that for one of my pig brothers.

"Wait, why am I only hearing about this a month later?"

"I was scared to tell you! I read all these books where the sibling got mad at the best friend for liking the other sibling and I even told Dakota until I told you nothing could happen...I didn't want it to be like you and Theo all over again".

"Nah, Im happy for y'all...I just dont need to hear details...of like anything". Alison laughs at me, and finally picks up her slice of pizza, like a huge weight has been taken off her shoulders.

"Speaking of you and Theo...What's going on there?" Alison wiggles her eyebrows.

"I honestly have no clue". I look away.

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