Chapter 21

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Georgia's POV:

I whip to look at him, only to see him grinning ear to ear. My face heats up again, but I nod slightly. He moves closer to me, so close I can feel the air he blows when he talks.

"Do you remember what I said?" He whispers.

"Yeah, that if my brothers didnt know, nothing else could happen". I try to move away, but Theo gently puts his hand on my neck and pulls me even closer to him, so close that when he talks his lips brush mine, sending sparks through my body.

"Good thing they know". He smiles


Theo interrupts me by smashing his lips to mine, knocking all the air out of my lungs. He seems so much more sure of himself from our first shaky kiss. He tries to pull me even closer to him, leaving his hands on my hips. I let my hands drift across his back, feeling all the dips and curves, when they reach his shoulders, I tangle my fingers in his hair, wrapping his beautiful curls around my fingers.


We rip apart and notice that Alex and James have walked in. Alex has his eyes covered and James is buckled over laughing. I cover my eyes and cringe, we are never gonna hear the end of this.

Theo's POV:

Georgia jerks away putting unneeded space in between us. I groan and look at the boys, both of them are smirking. Assholes. Looking around I reach across Georgia and grab the couch pillow. I aim and throw the pillow right at them, but they dodge it.

"Calm down slugger, we only came for some clothes, our lady friends want us to stay over". James wiggles his eyebrows and darts upstairs with Alex close behind him. They move quickly, not even ten minutes later they are both out the door, waving bye to Georgia and I. We sit in silence the whole time they are in the house.

"So, what movie do you wanna watch next?"

"Uhhh, Krampus". Georgia stands up and heads to the other couch.

"Noooo dont leave me". I whine and hold my hand towards her.

"Your so needy". She laughs, but sits down next to me. After i set the movie up and we settle back down Georgia yawns.

"I wanna lay down Theo, i'm exhausted".

I reach across her again to grab another pillow and I place it on my lap. She eyes the pillow, so I pat it making sure she knows its for her and not...other reasons. She finally lays her head down and pulls the blanket up to her neck.

"Goodnight Georgia".

She mumbles something but I can't make out what it is because the blanket is covering her face. My eyes start to feel heavy but I pop them open again, I don't want to wake Georgia up with one of my weird ass dreams again. I look down when Georgia snuggles deeper into my side and takes my hand.

"Go to sleep"

"I'm not that tired".

"Yes you are, I see you fighting it".

"I don't wanna wake you up again".

Georgia presses her face back into the pillow and laughs.

"I don't know about you, but I'm pretty happy I was woken up. If you wake me up again, so what? It's not like you control it". I'll just pretend i'm going to sleep so she will feel better about it.

"I'm not kidding Theo go to sleep"

She moves and motions for me to lay down. I do as she tells me too, when I am comfortable she lays back into me, allowing me to wrap my arms around her, like shes a cute teddy bear. I watch as she slowly drifts off again, I try to keep fighting it but i'm so comfy it's no use.

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