Chapter 28

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Theo's POV:

"We came up with a plan, Alex was gonna be bait. He was supposed to be out working but he stayed in. The man came in, he usually only carries a bat...because their had been problems with him carrying a gun before". I smile as James and Alex laugh quietly.

"Except he must have thought the bat wasn't good enough, from where me and James were hiding, we could see the gun in his belt. Before we could come up with a new plan, Alex was screaming...telling the guy to stop and for us to help him...he had a knife against Alex's neck". I swallow trying to keep my shit together so I can continue.

"James tried to stop me when I ran from the corner and slammed into the guy. I remember the gun went flying and I was hoping it would go off and kill the didn't. When the gun landed in my hands, I turned the safety off and shot the guy...killing him". No one speaks when I finish, everyone is staring at us in shock, Alex and James have gone back to staring at the sheets and I hate that I've made them relive that night again. But the only person I really care about is still holding my hand, still tracing those soothing patterns on my palm.

"Its ok baby, you did what you had to do". Georgia whispers to me and pulls my head onto her lap, making me lay down. She wipes tears from my cheeks and brushes my hair out of my face, trying to calm me down. Everyone is still silent, so silent I can hear James and Alex quietly shedding tears from their beds. After a few minutes Alex and James breathing seems to calm down, like their asleep.

"Everyone's asleep". Georgia says when I pop my head up to look around. Sure enough everyone has snuggled into the pillows and are now sound asleep.

"Oh...i'm sorry..for um crying on you". I rub the back of my neck and look at the tear marks I left on her pants. Georgia smiles at me.

"For all the tears you've wiped off my face, it's about time I payed you back". She pats the pillow next to the one she's laying on.

"Come on Theo, lets go to sleep". Georgia pulls on my arm and I lay back onto the pillow, she snuggles closer to me.



"I think...I think i may be falling for you..."

Georgia stills for a minute, when I think she's about to turn me down she looks up at me with the biggest smile.

"Thank god, it would have been weird if I was the only one".

Georgia's POV:

"Office duty sucks!" Theo whines from the chair next to me. I was originally the only one to be on office duty, but when I complained about it to Theo he insisted on joining in.

"Aw poor baby". I pinch his cheek and continue sorting through the paperwork that has piled up over the months. Theo picks up a piece of paper, reads it, then sets it back down.

"I need a drink". He stands up from the chair and walks into the small back room of the office, that has the mini fridge. While he's gone, the door rings signaling that we have a customer.

"Hey, welcome to Honey Lavender ranch. What can I do for ya?" I look up from the paperwork, but the man doesn't look at me. He looks everywhere but me, in fact. When we finishes looking at the small office he meets my gaze. All the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Hey, what can I help you with sir?". I repeat.

"Im looking for my boys, they ran away a while back and I got word they worked here". He says with a deep southern voice, but it sounds fake, like he's putting on an act, trying to make me trust him.

"What's their name? Maybe I know em?"

"Alexander, Jameson, and Theodore".

When he says the boys names my heart freezes.

"Im sorry sir, but we don't have anyone working here with that name". I hope he doesn't notice how scared my voice sounds, maybe he thinks it me feeling sorry for him?

"You sure girlie?"

"Yes sir, positive. This is a family business after all".

The man laughs.

"Thats cute".

Before I can register what's happening the man reaches behind him and pulls out a gun, aiming it straight at me.

"Imma ask again sweetheart. They work here?"

The man jumps as the office door swings open and barely misses him. Alex, James and Memphis walk in. Alex and James immediately freeze while Memphis looks pissed.

"What the fuck-"

Theo runs from the small back room and hops the counter. The guy tries to aim the gun at Theo, but he's too slow and Theo knocks the gun from the guy's hand. When the gun falls into Theo's hand, he immediately turns and points it at the man, stepping in front of me. I wonder if he did that on purpose? Yeah, Georgia, that's definitely what you should be thinking of after some guy pointed a gun at you.

"Speedy T". Alex and James say at the same time, both of them laughing.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" Memphis yells looking around to all the people in the room. He's ignored.

"I was warned about them hands of yours boy". The man growls. Theo smirks, with a spark of righteous in his eye that i've never seen before.

"Yeah I know, they do some pretty great things don't they?" Theo winks at me, making my whole face heat up red. He has never, ever been that it bad that I like it?

"GROSS! I will fucking murder you if I find-" Theo cuts Memphis off again, I see Memphis face turn an even darker shade of red. Uh-oh.

"Who sent you here?"

"Your uncle of course pretty boy".

Theo turns ten shades liughter and the man grins, liking the effect whatever he said had on Theo.

"He looking for me?"

The man grins even wider, kinda like that cat from Alice and wonderland.

"Yall boys killed our boss. There's a huge reward over your heads".

"You ain't answering me buddy, my uncle looking for me?" Theo clicks a button on the gun...i'm pretty sure its the safety, he moves quick and places it on the guys forehead.

"You won't do it, pretty boy". The guy smirks.

"Funny...that's what the last guy said". Theo smiles and cocks the gun. 

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