Chapter 3: The fight and some conversations

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Liang in his training out fit^^^

Akira P.O.V:

"READY! BEGIN!" Samon shouted signaling for our fight to begin. Liang rushed to me aiming a kick to my head, I quickly ducked under his leg and sprung up in front of his face flicking his forehead. He went flying into the wall breaking it slightly leaving a dent, he jumped up from the wall and ran at me his fists held up ready to block any of my attacks.

Darting like a bullet I was now in front of Liang, I extended my hand pretending like I was about to flick him again, he quickly moved away from my hand his eyes widened from my speed as I smirked at him. 'Hmmm smart, this is already super exciting.' I thought walking around him like a predator stocking it's prey. He threw punches and kicks to which I caught or dodged them. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, 'Man this is getting kinda boring.' I thought to myself as I caught his leg right when he was going to hit me.

"Let's get serious and end this." I say to him still holding his leg, quickly I swung him around letting him soar through the air and into another wall. I ran over to where he was laying in the crumbled wall, quickly I picked him up by the front of his shirt and threw him to the floor. Jumping on him so he couldn't move I straddled his waist. I held his hands above his head with one of my hands as the other came down close to his face.

"I win~" He looked up at me with wide eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, I jumped off him and held my hand out to him. He slowly took my hand still looking shocked that he was beaten by my.

"That was a fun little fight! Now don't underestimate girls again or else I will actually hurt you." I say shaking his hand, a side smirk on my face as I walk back to my friends.

"Wow Aki-chan!! You're really strong! You might even be stronger than Rock!" Nico said clamping onto my arm as his eyes sparkled in amazement.

"Dang, you're really tough Akira." Uno appeared beside me slipping his arm over my shoulder a grin spread across his face.

"You really taught him a lesson!" Rock said laughing hard while holding his stomach and wiping a tear from his eye.

"I didn't go hard on him, I barely even tried. I bet he wasn't trying either." I shrugged my shoulders and looked back over at the inmates of building 5.

Samon stood there not saying anything, his mouth open wide still looking at where we had fought. Upa had his hand on his chin deep in thought as Qi stood beside Liang laughing at him while patting his back. He was talking to him but I couldn't hear him. We walked over to them, Yamato was walking in the front of us and laughed, we reached over where Samon was. Yamato began to pat his back extremely hard, still laughing.

"Now! Let's get to training!" Yamato exclaimed as he started running, we followed him I ended up in between Liang and Uno. Uno began talking to Rock, who was on his other side. I looked over to Liang and started up a conversation.

"Hey, are you hurt in any way. I might have hit you to hard when I threw you into the wall."

"Don't worry, I am fine although I must say you are extremely strong and skilled." Liang said glancing at me his cheeks slightly red as he talked.

"Why thank you! You are also very skilled, you would win against a normal person easily, but I am definitely not to normal."

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