Chapter 18: Taken

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Akira P.O.V:

"Elf." I said, my eyes wide with fear. There my torturer stood, at the entrance of the prison cell looking down at Uno in disgust.

"I've come to take you back my dear~" He said in a dangerous tone.

"I won't let you touch her. I'd rather die." Uno said putting a hand in front of me protectively.

"Oh! We have another brat standing in the way! Don't worry I won't hold back this time." Elf exclaimed jumping forward, two knifes in hand.

"Oh no you don't!" I yell, jumping up at him. Quickly I grabbed the knife as he tried to bring it down on Uno, the blade cutting into my skin causing blood to drip down my arm.

"I won't let you touch any of my friends!" I hiss at him and kick him in the side, causing him to crash into a wall.

"Tch. I see you've become stronger since the last time I saw you!" He jumped back up and charged towards me, throwing punches and kicks to which I blocked them and hit him with my own. I saw a flash of red and orange at the corner of my eye, then suddenly Rock and Jyugo stood in front of me, both with their hands up ready to fight (Jyugo with his blades).

"We won't let you have her." Jyugo growled glaring at Elf.

"That's right." Rock agreed in a serious tone.

"Hmmm, this doesn't seem fair! Three against one!" Elf wined slightly, but laughed after.

I looked around to see Nico also awake, sitting next to Uno. Both of them wearing serious expressions as they looked at us.

'Go get Hajime now' I mouthed to Nico, knowing he would be able to sneak away quietly. Turning back to the fight I found Jyugo and Rock laying on the ground in pain, not knowing what happened I prepared myself for Elf.

"AKIRA!!" I heard Uno yell, making me turn to him. Caught off hard I felt something hard hit the back of my neck, knocking me out instantly.

---time skip---

My eyes fluttered open as I groaned softly. Looking around I find myself chained to a wall, my hands pulled above my head and my feet barely touched the floor. Inside an empty concrete cell with a wooden chair sitting right in front of me. Using the chair I stood on it and tugged on my chained hands, hmmm they weren't breaking.

"It seems you've woken up. Do you like your knew chains~ they're specially designed for you. I've been watching over you for a bit, seeing how strong you've become. Sooo I thought it was essential to make stronger chains for when I captured you. And look know! They're perfect!" Elf said walking into the room, walking up to the chair I stood on. Slowly he traced the scars that covered my stomach before looking up at me,

"Oh how I've longed for this moment! To finally have you back in my possession. I've tried torturing other people but they were never as good as you... That's why I love you my beloved Akira!" Stepping onto the chair with me, he was now taller than me. I glared at him as he talked, feeling my blood boil just by his face.

"Now why are you giving me that look! Be happy I got you out of that hell hole away from all those disgusting people." I head butted him as hard as I could, making him fall of the chair and onto the floor.

"Don't talk about them like that." I snap at him, clenching my fists as I glared down at this disgusting thing that was somehow human. He jumped up from the ground, fuming in anger.

"YOU BITCH! HOW DARE YOU HIT ME LIKE THAT! YOU MUST BE PUNISHED NOW!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" He screamed, hitting me off the chair making me go flying into the wall. He picked up a knife as he laughed, staring at him I mentally prepared myself for hell.

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