Chapter 19: Getting You Back

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Akira P.O.V:

'It feels like I've been sitting in this water forever.' I think to myself, looking around the vast open space that has water about 6 inches deep. I continue to sit there, my knees pulled up to my chest as my dark red dress floats around me in the water. 'Is this a dream anymore...'

At Nanba Prison!

Its been a couple of days since everyone got together and made the plan on how to get Akira back. Right now everyone was getting ready, for today was the day they were gonna save the female inmate. Building 13 was putting armor on and stocking up on some weapons, mostly bombs. Building 5 was getting changed into martial arts clothes, wrapping their hands with black tape so it was easier to punch people. Building 3 was getting on fancy clothes, polishing up their nails and hair as they also grabbed maps, seeing as they were the navigators. Building 4 was training, going through the plan again and again, making sure they had it down. 

While the warden had changed into and armored guards uniform, making sure she had all her weapons and equipment on her, A map hung from her belt, the map was the entire layout of the building Akira was left in. She was anxious not having Akira in her prison, not that she was a bad person but that she always wanted her close by. Momo was determined to get Akira back no matter the cost. She knew what that disgusting man had done to her, who knew what he was doing to her right now. 

It was time for everyone to meet up and get on the helicopter. Momo was waiting for everyone to arrive on the roof, first building 3 came, then building 4, then building 5, and finally building 13. Hajime was slightly reminiscing, this was the first place he saw and talked to Akira. At first he thought she was going to be another annoying brat that only wanted to irritate him. 

"Alright everyone, get onto the helicopter so we can fly to where Akira is. On the helicopter we will be going over the plan one more time just so everyone knows what to do." Momo said strictly as she hopped into the helicopter, watching everyone else enter, they all had serious expressions knowing that this was gonna be a big deal. 

"First, we will be dropped off onto the farthest away side of the island from Akira, so we won't be detected. Then Trois and Honey will navigate us to the house. From there on we will have our strongest members in front and behind us, these people are Liang, Hajime, Samon, Upa, Rock, Musashi, Kenshirou, and Jyugo. Uno, Trois, and Honey navigate us the quickest way to Akira. When we get to where she is, if there are locks Jyugo will unlock them. Nico and Qi, you will be watching and making sure nobody is coming while we get her. I will carry Akira while we escape, and if worse comes to worse, I will fight with the 8 people who are guarding and will hand Akira off to Uno. Is that clear!" Everyone nodding when they hear their names called, shouting a quick yes back to her.

"We will be there in about an hour so prepare yourselves."

Back with Akira:

 Was I awake? I swear I had fallen asleep... I feel like its been days, being stuck in this empty abyss slightly filled with water. I didn't know what was real or not. Wasn't I in a cell being tortured by Elf... Slowly planning my escape. 

Maybe I was awake, maybe I already escaped Elf and now had found a silent place for someone to find me. But at the same time, I could still be asleep... In a coma maybe... No that didn't seem right, maybe it felt like days but I've only been sleeping for a few hours. 

Yea... Elf will probably come wake me up to resume the torturing soon. Right...

Burying my face in my hands as I thought of reasons I was still here. The water rippling from the slightest movement. Slamming my hands in the water I began shaking, bringing them out of the water and in front of me, I stared at them. This... This is worse than torture. Being alone was ten times as worse as being tortured. I felt like I was going insane.

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