Chapter 21: Together Forever

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Akira P.O.V: 

It's been a day since I woke up and I was forced to stay in the infirmary for the night. Thankfully, doc said I was allowed to go back to my cell today and that my friends where coming to get me soon. After I woke up yesterday everyone came into the room all with happy faces, except for one. Uno. His face was slightly happy but was mostly sad. I don't know why but he didn't talk to me either.

Ripped out of my thoughts I felt someone jump on me, looking down I see Jyugo wrapped around my waist and Nico hugging me tightly, his face buried in my chest. I chuckled seeing the happily hug me.

"Get off of her you two! I don't want her to open up any wounds!" Hajime scolded them, whacking them atop the head. 

"Don't worry Hajime, most of my cuts feel closed. There's nothing to worry about." I say sitting up and flinging my legs over the side of the bed, trying to stand up.

"Woah easy there tiger. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Come on lets go get some food, I bet your hungry!" Rock said looking down at me with a smile, helping me off the bed and supporting me so I didn't fall.

"I definitely am! Now lets go get food everyone!" I exclaim, smiling at everyone as we begin to walk to the cafeteria. Upon entering, Rock immediately helps me sit down, insisting that he was going to get my food, to which I gave in and let him get for me. 

He set the plate down, a mountain of food pilled on it making my mouth water a bit. On the plate was mashed potatoes, steak, chicken, French fries, pasta, a slice of pizza, and a hamburger. To which I ate all of it, patting my full stomach I sat back slightly smiling wide. 

"You got room for desert." I heard Jyugo laugh out as he pointed behind me. Turning around, I saw Shiro standing there with a big plater of deserts. Slamming them onto he table he nodded to me and picked up my empty plate, grunting to me before he left. My eyes sparked as I looked at the tray. On it was a chocolate cake, flan, crème brulee, popsicles, macaroons, and brownies.

"You guys can have some too!" I say, causing Nico to cheer. I ate the crème brulee and a piece of chocolate cake, along with 3 popsicles, 3 macaroons, and a piece of a brownie. Don't judge me I love my sweets. 

After finishing our amazing lunch we were told by Yamato that we were going to building 5 to train. He said I wasn't allowed to train but allowed to come. We went back to our cell to get ready before we left. Everyone took a shower and changed into a clean pair of their usual clothes, as we were about to leave I was stopped by someone. Turning around I found it to be Uno. 

"Akira..... I just want to talk to you about what happened that night. The night you were kidnapped by him." I flinched slightly, trying not to remember what happened.

"I'm really sorry that I let you get taken away. I hope you know that I love you. Romantically. I already know that you love Liang more than me, but I needed to say it. I will always love you and I don't know if I ever will stop doing so. I hope this doesn't ruin our relationship between us though."

"Uno, it wasn't your fault that I got taken, it was mine for getting distracted in the middle of a fight. I-I do love you but as you said I love Liang more..... I also hope this doesn't ruin our relationship and we can continue acting like we have been the entire time I've been here." I reply, smiling sadly at him as I say these words. He gave me a sad smile back, only nodding. We walked out of our cell and over to where our other cellmates were, waiting for us. Hoping into a carriage we began our journey to building 5.

But the closer we got the faster my heart beat. I was nervous to see Liang again, I wouldn't now what to do or say when I saw him. After I woke up, Liang didn't leave my side until he had to go back to building 5. Looking at me the entire time he was with me, not saying anything, only sitting beside me as he gazed at me with love in his eyes. 

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