Chapter 16: The Fateful Encounter and My Reward

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Akira P.O.V:

I stared at the man in horror. He hadn't aged at all, his blonde hair and bone chilling smile still the same. Memories ran through my mind blurring my vision, the pain I had felt when being tortured came back as I fell to my knees, bringing my hands to my chest.

"Elf.... Why are you here! How do you know Akira!" Jyugo growled out, equipping his long blade like hands.

"Hello again Jyugo, nice to know that your using the invention he gave you! I know lovely Akira because I'm the one who created all those delightful scars that decorate her body. I'm the one she supposedly 'killed'." He explains, pulling out a long knife as he walked closer to us. Running his finger along it as he now stood in front of me.

"What she doesn't know is that she killed a man I payed to stand in for me that day. I had overheard her mumbling to herself one day and decided, it would be good to have someone stand in place for me. SHE KILLED SOMEONE HAHA!! BUT IT WASN'T THE MAN SHE WANTED!!" He said running his finger along my jawline to the tip of my chin before grabbing my face harshly. Frozen, my eyes wide, fear present in them.

"This is what I've always loved about her. The utter terror in her eye as I touch her~"

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Jyugo screamed, swinging one of his blades at Elf just as he was about to kiss me.

"Awww don't ruin my fun now! I haven't seen my beloved in almost 9 years now! Oh how I've longed for her~"

"I WON'T LET YOU HAVE HER!!!" Slashing his blades at Elf, he tried to cut him down only for him to dodge each swing.

"I'll let you live for now... but just know I'm coming back for my beloved and won't let anyone stand in my way!" Elf said before kissing me roughly then jumping off the building.

I sat there, tears spilling out of my eyes as I remembered everything that man had done to me. Shaking softly, I stare into the distance frozen to the core. The feeling of his rough lips still on mine. Jyugo picked me up bridal style and ran back to the cell, emergency in his eyes as he ran.

"D-don't tell anyone this happened.... Especially Momo, Hajime, Uno, and Liang. Make sure Liang doesn't even hear a word about Elf or else he might go on a rampage... O-okay?" I said looking up at Jyugo still shaking softly.

"Alright but I have to tell Rock so you have more protection for when he comes back." He tells me seriously as he ran down the hallway leading to our cell. I nod to him and stare ahead, thoughts flooding my head.

"When we get back to the cell I want you to go back asleep. I'm going to wake Rock up to tell him what happened, don't worry we will keep you safe from that monster." I listen to what he's saying feeling comfort in his words.

We finally made it back to the cell, Jyugo locked the cell and placed me down on my futon next to Uno. Uno immediately latching onto my figure along with Nico, feeling my presence back some how. 'Tomorrow I'll act like nothing happened so nobody is suspicious.' I thought to myself before falling into a dreamless sleep.

---le time skip---

I woke up to a loud bang. Quickly, I jumped up in terror thinking it might be Elf again. Looking around I found Hajime standing by the cell door with a metal stick. Assuming he had banged on the cell door I calmed down, he looked at me with a confused face.

"Ouch! Princesss get off my braid!" I looked down at Uno, finding that I was stepping on his braid.

"I came here to take you brats to breakfast. Now hurry up and get ready, I don't want to wait long." Hajime barked at us.

"Hey, Jyugo told me what happened last night... Don't worry we will protect you. I won't let my baby sister get taken from us!" Rock said putting a hand on my shoulder, giving me a large smile.

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