Chapter 20: The Fight and Waking Her Up

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Akira's P.O.V:

I sighed. I was going to be stuck in here forever, whats the point in trying to find a way out if there isn't one. I thought to myself as I ran a hand through my hair, sitting back down in the water, giving up on a way out. Surely my friend where going to save me soon and hopefully 'wake' me up. If I was even asleep that is.

To many doubt filled my brain, I grabbed my hair by the roots and tugged on them. Angered with myself for not being able to understand what was going on. I screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs in frustration. My face becoming wet as tears spilled down my face and dripped onto my legs. 

"Why... Why does it always happen to me?!" I sobbed out letting my hair go, my hands falling into the water beside me limply.

Back with the group:

"And where do you think your going with my beloved Akira~" Elf said, pulling out a knife as his lips pulled into a malicious smile.

"We're getting her far away from you." Jyugo sneered turning his hands into blades as he prepares to fight him, only to be stopped by Momo.

"No. I will fight him. He deserves to be killed and I don't want any blood on your hands." She says, passing Akira to Uno.

"Oh~ The girls gonna fight me~ come on! Give me a proper fight!" Elf mocked cockily, laughing evilly as he looked at Momo who was glaring hard at him.

"I suggest you don't say that if you don't want to be killed." Hajime spoke up looking to Momo then to Elf, his glare turning deathly.

"He can mock me all he wants. It'll just make me feel better when I send him to hell." She replied, cracking her knuckles before getting into fighting stance waiting for Elf to attack her.

"If you can beat me so easily then lets begin this fight!" Elf yells out quickly moving to Momo, knife held up defensively. 

The fight began. Elf swinging his knife around trying to cut something, only for Momo to dodge it. They kept this up for a bit until Momo decided to finally attack. Swinging her right fist quickly, she landed a hard blow to the jaw. Elf went flying into the wall, breaking it slightly. He jumped out of the pile of rubble  he was in and wiped the blood seeping out of his mouth, his smile replaced with an angered frown. 

Momo threw punches and kicks at Elf, landing a few on him, as he swung his knife around sometimes throwing in a kick. Throwing a punch, Momo's fist connected with Elf's face only for him to stab her at the exact same time.


"Warden Hyakushiki!" Both the inmates and the guards yelled out, worried for their warden. 

The two fighting didn't hesitate to begin fighting again. Only stumbling after the hits were received. It seemed like an even match until Elf brought out another big knife. Another grin made its way to his lips, thinking he was going to win.

"I guess I'll just have to bring out my weapon too. Seeing as you've brought another out. But I warn you, my weapon is not ordinary." Momo said with a dark tone. Reaching into her vest and grabbing out 2 golden gloves, 4 brass spikes protruded out of the knuckles on each glove. Slipping them on she opened and closed her fists, seeming to test them out. 

"You think those are going to intimidate me! Ha! Well your wrong!" Elf yelled at her looking at the gloves like they were nothing.

In the blink of an eye Momo was in front of Elf, punching him hard in the stomach. His feet lifted off the ground as his eyes widened and blood gushed from his mouth, Momo twisted her fist making the brass spikes cut deeper into Elf's stomach. 

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