Extra Chapter: ~Uno's Ending~

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Akira P.O.V:

It's been a few hours and everyone was asleep. Well except for me, I sat up and looked around. Jyugo shifted slightly but stayed asleep. I sighed, today was fun I guess.... I'm still worried though... Elf will be back and we don't know when.

"Your still up?" I heard voice say, looking around I see Uno laying on his side staring at me with a frown.

"Yup... Couldn't sleep. I'm guessing the same for you?"

"No, I could feel my princess in destress and knew she needed me." He said causing me to smile and laugh softly.

"Uno... Whats wrong?"

"Hmmm? Nothings wrong with me princess."

"I know your lying. You seemed so mad today and you've been more quiet recently." Looking deep into his sky blue eyes, something flashes through his eyes. I don't know what it was but it was there and I don't think its to good.

"You want to know whats wrong princess? Your whats wrong, I can't get you out of my head. Your beautiful laugh and sunshine like smile. Your alluring red eyes and that amazing personality. Seeing you and Liang  just near each other makes my blood boil. I want you and only you, all to myself." He said getting up and walking over to my futon. Sitting in front of me he held my face in one hand, the other playing with the ends of my hair. My face started heating up and my heart began to beat faster. Putting a hand to my chest I stared into Uno's beautiful eyes as he stared into mine.

"Whats wrong with me Akira, is that I am madly in love with you and have been for a while. And now I can't hold it back anymore..." Leaning in closer, his eyes flickered down to my lips before coming back up to my eyes.

Closing my eyes, I felt our lips connect. Putting my hands on the sides of his face I kissed him back. The hand that was playing with the ends of my hair was now placed on the back of my head bringing us closer together. My heart fluttered as our lips began to move in sync, then parting for air. My face was a bright red matching the color of my eyes as I removed my hands from his face.

The kiss was soft and full of love, not like the way Elf had roughly kissed me. I knew I was in love with Uno. I had started to love him a few weeks after I entered the prison, the late nights we spend together talking about our past of breaking out of prison. When he playfully flirted with me or when he playfully teased me. He always seemed to make me smile and laugh. I loved his long blonde and pink hair that flowed all the way to the ground. I loved the way his eyes shined as he played card games. I especially loved the way he looked at me, and when he smiled he made my heart melt. I knew I was in love with him, more than I thought was possible.

"I know you probably don't love me like that. But I needed to tell you or else I was going to go insane." He said running his hand through my hair a his eyes filled with regret. I placed both of my hands on his cheeks and lifted his face. Our eyes connecting as I looked into his eyes, mine filled with love and affection.

"I love you. I love you romantically, more than I even know myself. I'm thankful that you told me or else I might have never told you." I say stroking his cheek softly smiling at him as I finished my sentence, my face slightly flushed from my confession.

"That's all I have ever wanted to hear!" I said excitedly, grabbing me and picking me up from my bed. Spinning a round a few times before gently placing me down on the ground, I laughed as he did so. He grinned down at me before capturing my lips into another soft kiss. This one filled with even more love than the last.

"Promise me you'll stay with me." He said as we pulled apart from the kiss. He looked down at me with hopefulness in his eyes.

"I promise I'll never leave you." I say before pulling him back down to me. I was happy, very happy to finally have the love of my life with me.

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