Chapter 7: New Years Tournament Part 1

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Akira P.O.V:

It was New Years day and everyone was happier than usual. I put my hair into braided buns, one black, one white. I had grey strings hanging from my braided buns, they flowed down just to my ear. I wore my regular dark blue crop top that stopped at my elbows. Along with my black and blue pants that stopped right below my knees, the bottoms were ripped a bit. I decided to put on black flats so my bare feet wouldn't interfere with any of the events happening today.

My friends and I were walking to the arena that the tournament was held in, Hajime was walking in front of us. Rock was on my left, and Jyugo was on my right, I had been a bit quiet since my talk with Uno last night. I was still thinking of what happened with both him and Liang. I refused to believe I liked them romantically, maybe I was having heart problems yesterday, and thats what messed with my body. Making me feel weird things and blush, all that stupid girly crap.

"Right Aki-chan! It's gonna be so fun!!" Nico exclaimed on the other side of Rock. I looked over at him and found him smiling at me.

"Could you repeat what you said before that. I was spacing out a bit so I didn't hear you." I say laughing softly, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment.

"I said that this is gonna be really fun! I heard we're doing really fun activities today! And who ever wins gets to ask for whatever they want!" Rock says excitedly a large grin plastered on his face.

"Oh yea! I'm excited! I didn't hear about that but if it's true, then that pumps me up even more! What would you guys ask for?" I look at them all a large grin rested on my face, like Rocks.

"I would ask for an arcade!"

"I would get a stone oven!"

"I would have a game room!"

"I don't know. I wouldn't ask for anything honestly... What would you get Akira?" Jyugo questioned looking over at me.

"I would ask for a hot spring." I shrug looking in front of me. "I've never been to one so that seems like a really good idea." I look at them putting my hands behind my head as we walk into the arena. I stopped walking, my hands dropping to my sides. My mouth hung open in shock, the arena was enormous! All the buildings were there already, other inmates sat in the stands.

"Welcome! And Happy New Year to you all!" Momo shouted standing up on a podium like thing. "Let us begin the New years tournaments!" She read a list out loud of which cell would represent each building. Thankfully our cell would represent building 13, Hajime didn't look to happy about that. I hopped over to him and said,

"Are you ready Hajime! We're gonna win this so we can get our wishes! Also so you can get a raise!" I smile to him as Momo released the banner I made. Everyone gasped saying how beautiful it was.

"Wow Aki-chan! Look at that banner! It's so pretty!" Nico exclaimed holding onto my arm while pointing to the banner.

"Actually Nico, I made that banner." I say, ruffling his hair while chuckling.

"You made that!" Jyugo said pointing to the banner, his eyes slightly wide. I nod to him as the others began to praise me. I waved them off as we began the first event, thankfully it was calligraphy, all you had to do was write 'Happy New Year' in Kanji. I moved my hand in long and neat strokes, spelling out each word, I looked down at my finished piece and smiled.

Jyugo also did one... But it didn't look to good. Honestly, it looked like a 3rd grader did it. I sweat dropped and patted Jyugo's back.

"I thought you were Japanese, Jyugo? Shouldn't you be able to do this." Nico said picking up the sheet and examine it.

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