Chapter 14: Rock's and Nico's Reward

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Akira P.O.V:

I woke up to some one shaking me vigorously. The person had their hands on my side as they shoved me. I groaned and flipped over wrapping my arms around Jyugo who was clung to my waist like always.

"Aki-chaaaaan get uppppp!!! Come on if you don't get up I'm gonna get Hajime." Nico wined as he shook me.

"Ughhhh noooooo don't get him. He's gonna yell at me..." I say tiredly sitting up, Jyugo shifting so his body curled around my torso like a cat. I stood up with him still wrapped around me.

"Fine, fine. I'm up, no need to get Hajime. Jyugo, get up or else I'm gonna drop you." I look down at Jyugo who I was now supporting. Letting my hands loosen around him, warning him that I would drop him. Quickly, he jumped out of my grasp and into a sitting position next to me, looking up at me with a small glare.

"OI! BRATS, IT'S TIME FOR ROLL CALL! NUMBER 25, NUMBER 69, NUMBER 15, NUMBER 22, NUMBER 11! OI NUMBER 11 GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" Hajime popped up out of nowhere and started yelling off our numbers, with us yelling here or present. I looked around not hearing Uno say here and found him curled up in the corner hugging his pillow, mumbling in his sleep. Soon enough Hajime got fed up with yelling at him and threw something at him, making him spring up into a salute.

"SIR YES SIR, I'M READY!" He yelled, we all (except Hajime) started laughing at him.

----Time skip----

We all had been doing what we usually are doing, Nico watching anime, Rock looking at the lunch menu, Uno playing cards with himself, and Jyugo sitting doing nothing. I was sat leaning on the wall, headphones in listened to music while doodling on my new sketchbook I had been given.

So much has happened since I got to this prison, from beating people in competitions and getting prizes to finding a family. I'm finally happy, who new I didn't need my real family to be happy. Even though I still remember that horrible night and everything that followed, it didn't matter to me anymore.

But recently, I've been feeling that weird disease again, where my heart pounds, my face gets really hot, and my stomach fells like it's being squeezed. It's been happening more with Uno than Liang, but I still feel it with Liang. Momo keeps telling me that it's a crush, whatever that means, then she says I love them. I mean obviously I love them, I also love Nico, Rock, Jyugo, Hajime, Upa, Qi, and Seita. Anytime Uno hugs me or flirts with me I start to get these feelings.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone taking my headphone out, I had stopped drawing unconsciously. Looking up I found Rock looking at me with an excited smile, causing a large grin to spread across my face too.

"Its lunch time! My reward is finished too!" Rock says excitedly, pulling me up and throwing his large arm over my shoulder in a brotherly way, as we walk out of our cell. Nico on my other side with Jyugo and Nico standing behind us.

"Ooooo I wonder what Shiro's gonna make in it." I respond, looking up at Rock both of us drooling ready for food.

"I hope its pizza! Pizza tastes the best cooked in a stone oven!" At this point both Rock and I are fantasizing about the pizza.

"Oh oh! What if he makes meat in there! It would come out super juicy and amaazinggg..." We pick up our pace, walking faster towards cafeteria almost running. Everyone else yelling at us to slow down.

We quickly make it into the Cafeteria and sit down ready for Shiro to bring out the delicious food. Nico, Uno, and Jyugo sat across from us panting heavily from trying to keep up with us while Rock and I were grinning at each other. A large pizza was slammed down in front of us glistening with the lightest amount of grease, pepperoni placed strategically onto the thick layer of cheese, cut into about 16 slices.

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