Chapter 8: New Years Tournament Part 2

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(Edited, this chapter is kinda all over the place. Sorry)

Akira P.O.V:

Mitsuru called out the next event, it was called Karuta. It was a card game where you had to collect all the cards in order, before the other person in order to win.

Uno said he would do this challenge along with Seita. Our building was going against Kiji's, Uno went against Honey and Trois while Seita went against Kiji. I sat in the stands with my other friends and Hajime, soon Mitsuru shouted signaling the start of the event.

Mitsuru started singing the poem, immediately Seita's hand shot out and swiped the card before Kiji could even blink. His eyes widened slightly, shocked that Seita could move that fast, while he just sat there an innocent smile adorned his face. I looked over to see how Uno was doing, I frowned as I watched him fall behind.

"It looks like Uno isn't gonna win this one. Maybe we should have sent no. 22 or no. 25 instead." Hajime says frowning at Uno. Honey and Trois had switched again as they quickly grabbed the cards left and right.

"If you think Uno is gonna lose this then your really underestimating him. I've known him for a long time, he's doing this on purpose. Just watch and see." Jyugo stated crossing his arms while leaning back, his eyes narrowed at Uno. I looked back over to Seita and found he already collected all the cards. He smiled purely to Kiji, while he mumbled to himself angrily. 

"I'm worried that we won't win this." I say looking back to Uno, his eyes were covered by his hat, a frown on his lips.

"Just give him a second." Jyugo closed his eyes not worrying at all. Suddenly, Uno looked up, his signature smirk made its way to his face. My eye brows furrowed together in confusion as Uno began talking. I couldn't hear him, but before I knew it, he was grabbing the cards away from Honey and Trois. Mitsuru finally announced us as the winner after Uno snatched the rest of the cards.

"How'd you do that Uno-kun?! It was so cool!" Nico exclaimed looking to Uno, his eyes sparkling like usual.

"Honey looked at the card he was about to pick up, leaning on his left side right as he was about to grab the card, so when I saw him begin to lean I grabbed the card. For Trois he pointed his middle finger at the card he was gonna pick up while reaching his hand out. So I swiped the card before he could grab it." Slinging his arm over my shoulder, he walked to the seat and sat down with me.

It was announced that we were going to take an hour break before moving onto the next event. Everyone took this time to eat lunch, I walked with my cellmates to the cafeteria. After grabbing food and sitting down we began to eat.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, slightly startling me. Looking over my shoulder I saw Liang, Upa, and Qi standing there, food in hand.

"I was wondering if we could sit with you?" Liang asked I nodded and patted the empty spot beside me. Uno was on my other side and beside him sat Jyugo, across the table Rock and Nico sat. Liang, Upa, and Qi sat down beside me before we began to eat and talk again. Soon enough I saw Honey and Trois walk up behind Rock.

"Could we sit with you?" Honey asked looking down at Rock.

"Yea man! Come sit right here." Rock replied patting the seat beside him, we began to eat once again after they sat down.

"So Akira, when did you get here?" Trois asked looking at me, a smirk present on his face.

"H-huh? Oh about 2 months ago." I say putting a finger on my chin having to think about it.

"Wow, you've been here a while. I'm suprised we haven't met before this." He said looking at me slightly suprised. I nodded at him, taking a sip of water.

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