After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
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Class went on at a slow unbearable pace. Throughout Literature, Clark would turn around slightly to face me and give me a puzzled look. I could tell what he was doing, he was trying to figure me out. He was still intent on figuring out what brought me here, and wasn't going to give it up anytime soon.
All we did during class was silently analyze a piece of Shakespearean writing and then answer these stupid questions about the passage. It was torture. For some odd reason I was ticking down the minutes until I could hang out with the guys again. Guys as in Nico, Luca, and Dakota. Not Clark. Never Clark.
As soon as the torturous two hours ended, I bid Sarah a goodbye (we didn't have the next class together) and ran towards my History class. Clark and Co. sauntered down the hall in the same direction as I was, but I just ignored him and proceeded down.
I got to history, thankfully, with a minute to spare. As soon as I had walked in, silence consumed the classroom. I ignored the sudden quietness and proceeded to choose my seat which was towards the back of the classroom, not really feeling in the mood to discuss the rumors which everyone wanted to know the juicy details on.
Class soon started and everyone resumed back to paying attention and writing down the notes. I was finishing up my last sentence of my notes when the classroom door swung open, revealing none other than the spawn of Satan himself.
"Mr. Ellington, so nice to have you join us," Professor Donovan mused dryly.
"Great to be here, Professor Donovan," Clark rolled his eyes.
"Oh how I love your wit Mr. Ellington, now if you would take a seat?"
Clark began walking towards the back and soon enough cursed quite audibly, when he must have realized that the only open seat in the back was by me. He soon enough turned around to go ahead and sit in the front when Professor Donovan interrupted him, "Mr. Ellington, you've disrupted the class enough, take a seat next to Miss Graham and start your notes."
"Whatever," Clark rolled his eyes, yet again, and sat down next to me.
"Try not making that much of a show whenever you have to sit next to me," I snapped at him, without looking up from my notes.
"Try not making the decision to fly across the globe and switch into my school," he snapped back.
"Puh-lease I didn't even know you were going here, last time I heard you were attending Canburry."
"I was at Canburry for like, a year."
"How was I supposed to know? It's not like I keep a 'I heart Clark Ellington' page where I know where you are and when you're there. I've got better things to do than keeping up to date with what daily bullshit you're on."
"I wouldn't be surprised if you did have one due to the stalking from the past two days!"
"Those were coincidences! Sarah suggested Indian food I said yes, Sarah said to invite you guys, Nico invited me to see Dakota, and I didn't know you attended this school! So just drop it Clarkwell!" I huffed.