After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
You guys will never believe what happened. My father sent me a picture of him at work and his newest purchase (because he's wholesome like that) and he was wearing... toe socks. Oh lord.
Also in case my descriptions weren't enough, attached above are what I envision as Blake's outfit for this chapter's show.
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"Hi, I'm Dakota Spaulding."
"And I'm Blake Graham."
"And this is, New York Fashion Week!" We both, finally, said in sync with large grins on our faces as we looked directly at the large cameras in front of us.
"Alright, cut!" Someone called, with a tired sigh.
I mean, I get it. It took us 17 tries to say the line in sync.
"Ok, you two we got the intro! Finally. Now it's going to be all natural, no cuts unless absolutely necessary and it'll just be you two! You both already have excellent chemistry, so that's perfect!Act natural, like the cameras are not around! All you need to do is go through the questions in the hat, and that's it!" Carson, the director of the interview, waved over an assistant who was carrying a large top hat. The assistant gave the hat to Kota, while I peered inside it. It contained a bunch of little chits of paper that apparently contained some 'fun' questions for us to answer.
The whole interview's purpose was to be a 'get to know' Dakota Spaulding and Blake Graham. Coincidentally we were paired together due to us being, allegedly, the two most talked about models of this year's fashion week. Most probably due to our young age, Kota's good looks, and also my last name.
"Alright, take one!" Someone dropped the clapper, making Kota and I go back into the whole 'public figure' mode.
While we might not necessarily be the best at public figuring, we sure looked the part. Early in the morning we had been rushed to the studio to get hair, makeup, and wardrobe- but they managed to make us look bright eyed and bushy tailed by freshening us up and piling us with shots of espresso.
Dakota was clad in a simple but fashionable black bomber jacket with a white tee underneath and black ripped jeans, his honey colored hair skillfully ruffled and white sneakers looking pristine.
I, on the other hand, was given a silky black tank that was loosely tucked into my dark washed skinny jeans, with a matching oversized ripped denim jacket that I was specifically instructed to keep on only one shoulder. While Kota was comfortably wearing his sneakers, I had these strappy black heels on that were practically a walking death trap.
"So we're going to be answering some of these 'get to know me' questions for all of y'all! Ok first question!" Kota grinned to the camera, before holding the hat to me to pick out a question. I grabbed a chit of paper and unfolded it, reading it aloud.
"Favorite ice cream flavor?" Kota tapped his chin thoughtfully. "That's a hard one."
"No it's not," I laughed. "Mines Neapolitan. But only if the strawberry ice cream doesn't have chunks of strawberry in it." I wrinkled my nose.