(19) fountain

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It had been a week since Italy

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It had been a week since Italy. Nothing had really changed, it was just normal. Well as normal as the lives of billion-heirs could get. We all were doing our own thing, me juggling practice and school while the boys did whatever they're always up to.

"Blake, when are you supposed to leave for New York again?" MJ turned towards me, continuing on with her butterfly stretch.

"You're moving back to New York? Already?" Adela Tan squeaked slightly. Although Adela was beautiful and talented, I had learnt that her one true fault was speaking before carefully thinking.

"No, silly! She's going for a quick visit!" Daisy laughed. I gave her a smile, and nodded to Adela. "Yeah, my father just wanted me to visit and begin the preparations for the ball. So, I'll be leaving next week for five days or so."

"Five days?" MJ gaped at me.

"It's gonna be a quick trip. Business only, but I'm glad. I'm not particularly homesick." I grimaced.

"Ah, I see. Don't we all have daddy issues?" a senior called from behind me.

"Switch! Right leg out and pull." Commanded Daisy, from the front of our group. I followed her lead, feeling the ache in my muscles. As I stretched, a high pitch squeal sounded from the right. "Guys, the soccer players are coming in to get water!"

I raised my eyebrow at her, she was a freshman. "So?"

"Switch! Left leg out and pull!"

The girl blushed furiously, and went back to stretching. And she was right, because not longer than a minute, a hoard of sweaty soccer players entered the gymnasium.

Ignoring the boys, we continued on. "Times up! Ladies great work today, practice tomorrow also!" Daisy dismissed us. MJ clambered to her feet, walking towards me. I was still sitting, but MJ stuck her hands out for me to grab onto, and she pulled me to my feet.

MJ followed me to where our water bottles sat, "Do we have any homework in Psych?"

I pursed my lips, thinking back to my earlier class. "Uhh, read chapter seventeen in our textbook. And she said she recommends us taking notes, which means if we take notes she'll let us use them on the next quiz."

"Sweet, and als- Woah." MJ lost track of what she was saying, and widened her eyes. Her sight was focused behind my head, and she seemed really into what was behind me. "What is i-woah." I agreed with her.

I had turned around, and came face to face with a bunch of sweaty shirtless soccer players. They were all leaning against the gymnasium wall standing in a line to get to the water fountain.

"I'm really glad they don't have a fountain outside." MJ whispered to me, as we continued to discreetly stare. I nodded in agreement and took another gulp of my water, feeling like I needed to cool down.

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