After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
Hi, I'm back! Thank you all for being so patient with me and being so supportive! I know I've been taking forever with all my updates and kinda going MIA, but I've been trying to figure everything regarding the story out so it can smoothly be concluded!
During this time I hope you all are safe and healthy, I wish the best for every single one of you! Please be careful during these times, and try your best to stay as safe as possible!
And also, thank you so much @ginnylovegod for the beautiful cover! I love it!
Also also, I made an Instagram if any of you want to follow it! I'll be posting various things such as ideas, writing processes, and just my random thoughts! So if you want to follow, my user is @cadewritesoccasionally
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"So first of all, I just wanted to thank you for responding and agreeing to meet with me on such a short notice. So let's just get straight to business, hm?"
Silently, I nodded at Headmistress Beauregard. She was an intimidating figure, with her silver hair tied tightly into a chignon and her immaculate navy pantsuit. Was it just me or did her brooch look sharpened?
Instead of showing my fear towards the domineering woman, I just nodded with a smile. "Yes of course. Would it be alright if you go into a little more depth? I was just a little confused with some aspects of the email."
"Most definitely. So Miss Graham, when you transferred here were you aware that you had well over accumulated all the necessary credits?"
"Yes, I was taking extra core courses every summer to get up a few levels. I was a little behind in math during middle school so I wanted to catch up and then go back to being in the advanced course level. And for the other classes I mainly took the summer courses to get stronger." I fiddled with the ring on my middle finger.
"Okay that's good to hear. So when your counselor was reviewing your transcript, she noticed that you have well over all the credits needed for high school. And you surpassed Cambridge's requirements for juniors by a single credit course,"
"So I went to discussing with your counselor, and we came to a conclusion. I wanted to see actually, if you were taking the summer courses so you could graduate earlier?"
"No," I shook my head. "It was mainly just to skip a few levels. I have never really considered graduating early."
"I see. So when you transferred to Cambridge, all your credits from your previous school transferred. And so it seems that your summer credits weren't taken at your old school, but at Cambridge they were transferred because we do take the credits that come from any high level course if the student were to pass with a ninety percent or above. So going back to the credits, you have the necessary credits to graduate a year early. Would you like to?"