After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
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Sitting on top of the plush bed, I stared at the wall. My thoughts were constantly filling my brain, and I had no idea how to stop them.
I wasn't really sure when Parker and I's relationship even started. After two years of secretly harboring a crush on him, it changed. Our friendship had transformed and the once friendly hugs were now dates finished with a kiss.
Then after a year, it started turning to shit. We didn't really fight, but we didn't talk. With our problems, we were so scared of everything becoming bad that we bottled it up. We bottled it up until a figurative ocean separated us. The event that caused me to leave was what really broke our relationship and brought a real ocean between us. It was all relatively fresh.
As my foggy brain cleared up, I realized Clark was staring at me. With a slight clearing of my throat, I began to talk. "Nice room you got here."
"Yeah you tend to get what you pay for here." He shrugged, a puzzled look still on his face. We were currently perched on two armchairs overlooking the busy streets of the city. As soon as we had left Parker standing on the sidewalk, Clark had taken me back to his hotel. It wasn't like he was trying anything, god no. But The Plaza was right around the corner, and Clark was coincidentally staying in one of the suites at the historical hotel.
"So how long are you here for?" I tried to make small talk, but winced at the sound of my voice. It was all gravelly.
He stood up, walking towards the large sliding door. "A few days or so, I just have to confirm with my father some things about the business. He won't let me leave if it's not official."
"Look at you making some million dollar deals."
"Dad won't be happy that it's not billion."
"He'll live. You could run a small country with just your inheritance."
"Hmm, King Clark does sound quite wonderful." He agreed, letting a small smile take over his face. I could tell he was trying to cheer me up.
"King Clark? What about Queen Clark. That has a better ring to it."
"I think you should stick to the queen title."
I waved him off, noticing that my phone was buzzing. "It's too much work, you can have it."
I answered the call, which was apparently coming from the concierge at my apartment building. As the line went live, I listened for a voice.
"Hello? Miss Graham?"
"This is she." I confirmed, giving Clark a side eye. He was still staring outside at the city.
"You have a guest, but he's not on the list. Well not... anymore that is."
Oh god. "He?"
"Ah, yes. Mr. Ambrose. Mister Parker." He confirmed my thoughts.