After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
Before reading, I wanted to do a survey of some sorts. In Chapter 30, when the so-called Elite are playing never have I ever at the party a question is asked. I phrased it so no one would know exactly who it was, until this chapter. So I wanted to see who your guess was. This was the excerpt. — "'Never have I ever lost my virginity.'
I slowly took a sip, looking around at who also drank. Three out of the four boys from Clark's crew took sips-" —
So. Who's your guess? Please do comment, I wanted to know all of your thoughts!
Okay now you guys can read, sorry about that little segue!
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Back to November of Junior Year... (one month ago)
Every few years or so his birthday would fall on Thanksgiving.
He couldn't remember his first birthday, but he did have photographs of that day. A photograph that depicted a frowning baby boy, with pink chubby cheeks wearing a pair of navy overalls. He had been seated onto his fathers lap, as he pointed to the large floats that were passing through the streets of the city directly below them. Another photo of him grinning at the large inflated Clifford the Big Red Dog, mid clap. Then another with tears streaming down his face, the yellow outline of Spongebob Squarepants just barely visible.
He remembered his tenth birthday, which was dedicated to all things Harry Potter. His father had flown in from England to celebrate the holidays, bringing along a genuine wand from the movie set, claiming that a certain Weasley may or may not have used it in the latest movie. It was definitely his favorite birthday to date.
And today. His seventeenth birthday had finally come around, bringing in cold winter air and empty hallways. The school had given Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off so the American students could commemorate the holidays with their family.
Sadly, he wasn't able to celebrate with his own family. He was busy dealing with all things school, while both his parents were busy with each of their jobs. But with a FaceTime call and the promise of seeing each other in the coming month for Christmas, all was good.
He didn't necessarily love his birthday, but he didn't hate it either. He liked to think of it as a normal day where cake was involved. In an ideal world that could be everyday, but sadly, his trainer prohibited him from consuming anything unhealthy, so cake once a year would have to do.
As he walked through the hallways, whichever students had decided to stay back wished him a happy birthday. Girls and boys both tossed him compliments, some on his newest pair of shoes others on his haircut. He liked attention, in moderation. Just like cake. Some is okay, too much not really. So with every conversation he would throw in a quick thanks along with a rare smile, and be on his way back to the lounge. He really wanted a nap.