(10) blonde boys

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Soon, us five had regrouped

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Soon, us five had regrouped. Nico with his hand respectfully clutching two bags, Clark with three paper bags, Luca bashfully holding the bags filled with his new shoes, and Dakota. Oh Dakota. Surrounding him was almost twenty bags from various departments. I thought the boys were over exaggerating when they claimed Dakota was a shopaholic, but he had proved himself correct.

"Guys, I think I shouldn't have bought the Gucci slides..." Dakota frowned at the paper bag, which was sitting on the floor.

"You idiot, I told you stop impulsively buying shit!" Clark reprimanded.

"But I can't help it!" Dakota protested.

"This is why someone has to always monitor you when you go shopping dude." Luca shook his head at Dakota.

"Excuse me? Look at you! You bought six pairs of shoes!" Dakota shot back at Luca.

"Three of them are cleats! Soccer season is starting soon, and I need new pairs!"

"You mean football season?" Nico butted in with a smirk.

"We are not having this conversation again! Back to topic, Dakota needs to be babysat. Half the crap he buys, he ends up regretting buying them."

"It's whatever, he has enough money to buy the whole store, let him regret buying shit." Clark waved Luca off.

"I mean that is true, good logic Clark. But I mean, I'm not the only shopper, look at Blake," The blonde boy pointed at me.

"What do you mean 'look at Blake?' I did my back to school shopping! What's your excuse? Back to school was almost two months ago!"

"Maybe I'm doing late back to school shopping?"

"Fuck off, when you did back to school shopping, your whole dorm was filled! And you already had a full closet! We wear uniforms and you bought out the whole mens department at Neiman Marcus!" Nico shot at Dakota.

Dakota scoffed at Nico, "Not the whole department!"

"Guys, we've been standing here for ten minutes." Luca interrupted the two squabbling boys.

"Well we have a choice. Since it's Saturday we can either stay overnight here or leave today. Your choice." I shrugged.

"I'm pretty hungry, so I say we get food." Nico grinned.

"I say we stay overnight. As they say 'when in Paris'" Dakota spread his arms out.

Luca groaned slightly, "It's when in Rome you idiot."

"Of course you would know that... Well we're in Paris, so I say when in Paris."

Luca sighed deeply, "you know what? I won't even argue with you, I've lost enough brain cells."

I chuckled slightly at the twos banter. "Ellington?" I rose my eyebrow at the bored looking boy.

"I th--"

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